• Dispongan de los recursos lingüísticos y no lingüísticos necesarios para participar en los intercambios comunicativos con un grado de fluidez, precisión y naturalidad suficientes como para que sus interlocutores no tengan que hacer un esfuerzo especial.
  • Tengan un nivel de conciencia de la lengua que les permite evitar errores que den lugar a malentendidos y utilizan suficientes recursos como para salvar situaciones de ambigüedad y aclarar lo que el interlocutor ha querido decir.
  • Utilicen un repertorio lingüístico amplio, suficiente para expresarse con argumentos y matices, sin errores importantes de formulación y con una pronunciación clara.
  • Consideren el efecto que producen sus comentarios y tienen en cuenta tanto la situación de comunicación como a sus interlocutores para adaptar el registro y el nivel de formalidad a las distintas circunstancias.
  • Dispongan de capacidad lingüística suficiente como para plantear los detalles de un problema, presentar reclamaciones y resolver situaciones conflictivas recurriendo a su capacidad de argumentar y a un lenguaje persuasivo.

UD1. Never judge a book by Its cover 

  • VOCABULARY Describing people: personality and appearance. Compound adjectives

  • GRAMMAR Defi ning and non-defi ning relative clauses. Modals for deduction (past and present)

  • WRITING An informal email

  • PRONUNCIATION Compound adjectives


UD2. Down-To-Earth 

  • VOCABULARY Animal idioms. Animal collocations: animal sounds

  • GRAMMAR Modals and expressions of probability. Conditionals. Alternatives to IF

  • WRITING An article

  • PRONUNCIATION Contractions. Linking


UD3.  Home Sweet Home 

  • VOCABULARY Types of housing. Places in the home. Housework. Phrasal verbs connected to people relations

  • GRAMMAR Modals of obligation/absence of obligation/prohibition/advice. Have/Get something done

  • WRITING A report

  • PRONUNCIATION Consonant clusters


UD4. A penny for your thoughts 

  • VOCABULARY Money. Jobs

  • GRAMMAR Infi nitive versus –ing. Participle clauses

  • WRITING A covering letter

  • PRONUNCIATION Stress shift


UD5. Caught Red-Handed 

  • VOCABULARY Crime. Criminals

  • GRAMMAR Emphasis (do, so and indeed). Cleft sentences. Inversions

  • WRITING An opinion composition

  • PRONUNCIATION How to sound emphatic


UD6. Out And About 

  • VOCABULARY Leisure activities: Travelling. Extreme sports

  • GRAMMAR Used to, Would. Narrative tenses

  • WRITING A blog post



UD7. TV or not TV? 

  • VOCABULARY Headlines. Television (people, TV programmes and a TV guide)

  • GRAMMAR Impersonal report structures. Contrast (despite, in spite of, although…)

  • WRITING A “for and against” composition

  • PRONUNCIATION Contrastive intonation


UD8. An Apple a day keeps the Doctor away 

  • VOCABULARY Health and illness. Idioms related to the parts of the body. Food and Diet

  • GRAMMAR Reported speech. Reporting statements, commands and questions.

  • WRITING A complaint email/letter

  • PRONUNCIATION Homographs. Homophones


UD9. No regrets just lessons learned 

  • VOCABULARY Feelings

  • GRAMMAR I wish/If only. Would rather, would sooner, had better. It´s time

  • WRITING A personal anecdote

  • PRONUNCIATION /s/ - /z/ - /?/


UD10. Facebook = Language Facelift? 

  • VOCABULARY Compounds with –ever. The Internet. Fast Writing

  • GRAMMAR Future perfect and continuous. Use of the article for generalizing

  • WRITING A review

  • PRONUNCIATION Words pronounced differently in Spanish/English


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