English Dexway Certificate - Level B2 - Course 2

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English Dexway Certificate - Level B2 - Course 2 provides students with the necessary tools to communicate and be able to use a wide range of structures with ease and fluency. Students become aware of the significance of register and so may begin to adapt their language use to a variety of social situations. They are also provided with the tools to produce a variety of types of texts and utterances. This course contains speaking and writing assignments.

Once the course has finished, students can understand a wide range of demanding and longer texts and recognise implicit meaning. They can also express ideas fluently and spontaneously without much obvious searching for expressions and use language flexibly and effectively for social, academic and professional purposes. They can produce clear, well-structured, detailed texts on more complex subjects, showing controlled use of organisational patterns, connectors and cohesive devices.

Throughout the course students learn to master different language functions such as: expressing quantity, shopping in a supermarket, giving orders, describing ability, expressing obligation, lack of obligation, future possibility, purpose, giving advice, making promises, suggestions, offerings and asking polite questions. Students also learn some basic stage terminology, talk about films and animals, describe objects, express real and unreal conditions, explain processes, describe people, scenes, images and places as well as reporting direct speech and thoughts. Vocabulary topics covered in this course include: good luck charms and superstitions, fruit and vegetables, films, modelling, machines and machinery, agriculture, mining and industry, personal appearance and location, vehicles and driving, spaces and places, parapsychology, horoscopes, urban places of interest, light and colour, artistic and photographic terms. Students also learn idioms, specific terminology for letter writing and contracts and differences in British and American English.

Additionally, in this course students learn vocabulary and specific expressions related to going to the optician’s and some vocabulary related to business. All these lessons include a series of typical situations and dialogues that help students contextualise and learn vocabulary by heart.

Students practice all the language abilities: writing, speaking, listening and reading through a series of interactive and contextualised exercises. They learn through tasks that include real-life dialogues, word/sentence – picture association and video dubbing exercises. The last lesson of each unit has some test exercises so that students are aware of their progress. 

Unit 1

Getting a Theatre Group Together
Aims: To expand the structures and vocabulary covered in previous blocks through a series of interactive exercises, such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items, where students listen and repeat the presented sentences.
Structures and Functions: Presentation of target vocabulary through contextual sentences.
Vocabulary: Introduction to new vocabulary items such as "variety," "diagram," "lecturer," "to look up," "to fetch," "gesture."
Activities: Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures and a multiple-choice listening comprehension with a real-life dialogue.

Studying Must Be Learned
Aims: To expand the structures and vocabulary covered and to present and practice grammar through interactive exercises such as reading, listening and answering questions, gap-filling, etc.
Structures and Functions: Full tense review of present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, and future tenses, as well as uses of "get."
Vocabulary: Useful expressions such as "on the dole," "in a rut," "to get the gist," "to get rid of," "to split up," "to take your mind off," "to count someone in," "on the contrary," and words related to non-verbal communication and language learning.
Activities: Reading and listening comprehension, finding synonyms, true or false listening comprehension, error detection and correction.

Body Language
Aims: To expand, consolidate, and review the structures and vocabulary covered in previous lessons through exercises like pronunciation practice with listen-and-repeat activities, gap-filling, dubbing the film, etc.
Structures and Functions: Review of present tenses, past tenses, perfect tenses, future tenses, uses of "get," and prepositions collocated with verbs.
Vocabulary: Revision of useful expressions and phrasal verbs covered, such as "on the dole," "in a rut," "to get the gist," "to get rid of," "to split up," "to take your mind off," "to count someone in," and "on the contrary."
Activities: Pronunciation and listening practice, association of sentences with pictures, error detection and correction, dubbing a real-life dialogue, and choosing synonymous sentences.

Social Networks and Media - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions to which students must respond. They interact with the teacher through guided dialogues focusing on discussing the pros and cons of using social networking websites and their appropriate use. Afterward, students complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system evaluates their answers.
Activities: Pronunciation and writing exercises.

World Music Tour - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a passage about international music albums. The text is followed by questions that help assess active reading skills. Students are asked to find the general meaning, details, and logical inferences. Activities include multiple-choice and true/false questions and matching statements to sections.
Skills Acquired: Active reading skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, memory, and visualization.

What's Your Routine? - Speaking Assignment
In this lesson:

  • Learners answer questions using the present simple or present continuous tense.

"To Get" - Writing Assignment
In this lesson:

  • Learners answer questions using phrasal verbs with "get."

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students complete exercises designed to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 2

Joining the Group
Aims: To expand the structures and vocabulary through interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with vocabulary items.
Structures and Functions: Presentation of new vocabulary through contextual sentences using grammar covered so far.
Vocabulary: New words and expressions like "background," "motorist," "chairman," "theme," "prospects," "to write an account of," "hardship," "crisis," "in the former or latter," "manage to," "recall," "amongst," etc.
Activities: Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, listening comprehension to choose the correct ending for sentences.

Aims: To present, practice, and expand grammar covered through exercises such as gap-filling, associating sentences with pictures, and reading texts.
Structures and Functions: Past simple vs. past continuous, present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous vs. past perfect, "used to" and "would" for past habits and dates.
Vocabulary: Useful expressions such as "let me introduce you to," "I'd like you to meet," "better late than never," "it's been a pleasure to meet you," "to run into someone," and "the matter in hand."
Activities: Sentence-picture association, reading and listening comprehension, true/false comprehension, and error correction.

Aims: To consolidate and review structures, grammar, and vocabulary through interactive exercises such as listening and repeating vocabulary, gap-filling, choosing the correct option, dubbing the film, etc.
Structures and Functions: Past simple vs. past continuous, present perfect simple and continuous vs. past perfect, "used to" vs. "would" for past habits, and prepositions of place.
Vocabulary: Revision of useful expressions like "let me introduce you to," "I’d like you to meet," "better late than never," and "to run into someone."
Activities: Pronunciation, true/false listening comprehension, gap-fill exercises, error detection, dubbing, and synonymous sentence selection.

Relationships - Masterclass
Students attend a class with an English-speaking teacher, engaging in guided dialogues about relationships and common house situations. After the class, they answer comprehension questions, and the Dexway system evaluates their responses.
Activities: Pronunciation and writing.

Memories of Boarding School - Listening Comprehension
Students practice their listening skills by paying attention to oral information in different exercises. They answer questions about education, specifically life in a boarding school.

When You Were a Child - Speaking Assignment
In this lesson:

  • Learners form questions using the structure "used to + infinitive," then submit a recording of themselves answering the questions.

Where I Used to Live - Writing Assignment
In this lesson:

  • Learners submit a short text describing the house where they grew up.

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises designed to consolidate and evaluate their language skills.

Unit 3

Have You Ever Done Any Acting Before?
Aims: To expand the structures and vocabulary covered through exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short dialogues, and student-led listening practice.
Structures and Functions: Presentation of new vocabulary through contextual sentences and dialogues using the grammar covered so far.
Vocabulary: New vocabulary items like "box office," "performance," "troublemakers," "seaside," "to line up," "eventful," "refreshing," "rest room," etc.
Activities: Sentence-picture association, listening comprehension to choose the correct ending for sentences.

Defence of Theatre
Aims: To study, practice, and expand grammar, structures, and vocabulary through exercises such as listening and repeating, gap-filling, and associating words with pictures.
Structures and Functions: Present perfect simple vs. present perfect continuous, present perfect + adverbs like "often," "still," "yet," "already," and time markers like "for," "since," "during," "while."
Vocabulary: Useful expressions like "to get the bug for something," "to keep verb+ing," "to work something out," "to make a fool of oneself," and "to do some verb+ing."
Activities: Sentence association, reading for errors, gap-filling, true/false comprehension, and real-life dialogues.

Notes of a Traveller
Aims: To consolidate and review grammar and vocabulary through pronunciation practice, gap-fill activities, dubbing, etc.
Structures and Functions: Review of present perfect simple, present perfect continuous, time markers, articles, and prepositions.
Vocabulary: Revisiting expressions and geographical names.
Activities: Pronunciation practice, error correction, real-life dialogues, and film dubbing.

The Theatre - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, speaking only English, asks questions and guides dialogues related to going to the cinema or theatre and cultural matters. After the class, students complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system evaluates their answers.
Activities: Pronunciation and writing.

Health Disorders - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a passage about health disorders. The text is followed by questions that test their active reading skills.
Activities: Multiple-choice and true/false questions, matching statements to sections.

How Long... - Speaking Assignment
In this lesson:

  • Learners form questions using present perfect simple and continuous structures, then submit their answers as an audio recording.

Letter of Complaint - Writing Assignment
In this activity, students write a letter of complaint (about 170 words) describing a bad experience at the theatre, detailing issues and misbehaviour of the audience and what they expect the theatre management to do.
Skills Practiced: Grammar, spelling, punctuation, and formal writing structures.

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students complete exercises to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired.

Unit 4:

Rehearsing in a Hired Hall
To expand the structures and vocabulary covered through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Structures and Functions:
Presentation of new vocabulary through contextual sentences and dialogues.
Vocabulary includes: ‘life expectancy’, ‘costume’, ‘representative’, ‘wildlife’, ‘dominant’, ‘trial’, ‘settlement’, ‘to be aware of something’, ‘gathered’, etc.


  • Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures.
  • Listen and repeat.
  • Listening comprehension to choose the correct sentence endings.

Our Brain's Potential
To present, practice, and expand grammar, structures, and vocabulary through exercises like selecting the best option, writing sentences, and gap-filling.

Structures and Functions:

  • ‘Will’ and ‘shall’ for promises, predictions, offers, and suggestions.
  • Future continuous, future perfect simple, and continuous with ‘by then’ and ‘by the time’.


  • Useful expressions: ‘to take time off’, ‘to fall into the wrong hands’, ‘to go ahead with’, ‘to stand in for’, ‘to get a feel for’, ‘to get hold of’, ‘to bear in mind’, etc.
  • Science terms, synonyms, and antonyms.


  • Association of sentences and words with pictures.
  • Reading and listening for synonyms and antonyms.
  • Listening comprehension to choose the appropriate phrase.
  • Gap-fill listening.

By the Year 2050...
To consolidate, review, and expand grammar, structures, and vocabulary through interactive exercises such as pronunciation practice, selecting the correct word, gap-filling, dubbing the film, and finding synonymous sentences.

Structures and Functions:

  • ‘Will’ and ‘shall’ for promises, predictions, offers, and suggestions.
  • Future continuous, future perfect simple, and continuous with ‘by then’ and ‘by the time’.


  • Useful expressions: ‘to take time off’, ‘to fall into the wrong hands’, ‘to go ahead with’, ‘to stand in for’, ‘to get a feel for’, ‘to get hold of’, ‘to bear in mind’, etc.
  • Science terms, synonyms, and antonyms.


  • Pronunciation and word stress.
  • Reading and listening to choose the appropriate word.
  • Listening for specific information.
  • Reading and listening to complete gaps.
  • Real-life dialogue and dubbing the film.
  • Choosing synonymous sentences.

Guilty or Innocent - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The students interact with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing the law and common phrasal verbs related to legal contexts.

After attending the class, students complete comprehension questions, and the system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

Meaningful Celebrations - Use of English
Students learn vocabulary and useful phrases to talk about meaningful celebrations.

After reading a cloze text with gaps, students practice it through interactive exercises that help them learn and use new vocabulary in specific contexts.

At the Laboratory - Listening Comprehension
Students practice their listening skills by listening to two different conversations and answering related questions.

In Ten Years' Time - Speaking Assignment
A short speaking assignment testing the learner's ability to use the future perfect to talk about the future.

Future Plans - Writing Assignment
Students write a paragraph about their future plans using the future continuous, future perfect simple, or continuous tense.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in the previous lessons.

Unit 5:

The Local Press
To expand the structures and vocabulary covered through a series of interactive exercises like word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short dialogues, and student-led listening practice.

Structures and Functions:
Presentation of new vocabulary through contextual sentences. The vocabulary focuses on the body: forehead, wrist, thumb, toe, complexion, pale, and well-built.


  • Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures.
  • Listen and repeat.
  • Listening comprehension to choose the appropriate ending.
  • Gap-fill listening comprehension.

Popular Characters
To study, practice, and expand grammar, structures, and vocabulary through interactive exercises such as listen and repeat, writing correct sentences, selecting the right image, fill-in-the-gaps, and reading texts.

Structures and Functions:

  • Order of adjectives, compound adjectives, family resemblance with ‘look alike’.
  • Vocabulary related to the body (ankle, chin, eyebrows, eyelashes, forehead, hips, knees, palms, shoulders, waist, wrist) and expressions like ‘to look like’, ‘to take after’, ‘to seem to be’, and ‘to look alike’.


  • Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures.
  • Listen and repeat.
  • Listening comprehension to choose the correct answer.
  • Gap-fill listening comprehension.
  • Sentence transformation.

How Do You Tell Them Apart?
To review, consolidate, practice, and expand grammar, structures, and vocabulary through interactive exercises.

Structures and Functions:

  • Expressing degrees using terms like ‘fairly’, ‘slightly’, and ‘extremely’.
  • Talking about approximate ages using ‘early’, ‘mid’, ‘late’, and compound adjectives.


  • Revision of lexical fields including ages, physical descriptions, and appearances.


  • Pronunciation and word stress practice.
  • Listen and repeat.
  • Listening for specific information.
  • Completing a form.
  • Reading comprehension to supply alternative descriptions.
  • Error correction, real-life dialogue, and film dubbing.

Education - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The students interact with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues focusing on education and recalling school memories.

After attending the class, students complete comprehension questions, and the system evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

I Have Been Robbed - Listening Comprehension
Students practice their listening skills by listening to two different conversations: one between a mother and her son, and another between a police officer and a tourist. Afterward, students answer related questions.

A Person I Know Well! - Speaking Assignment
Learners choose a person they know well and describe both their physical appearance and personality.

Mediation: What Do They Look Like? - Writing Assignment
Learners describe two people from a given picture.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in the previous lessons.

Unit 6:

The First Performance
To review and consolidate the vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation of the block through interactive exercises such as dialogue understanding, listening, repeating, and dubbing the film.


  • Listening comprehension to choose the appropriate ending.
  • Pronunciation of the schwa sound.
  • Listen and repeat.
  • Real-life dialogue and film dubbing.

"How Do You Do?"
To review and consolidate the structures, grammar, and vocabulary covered in the block through a series of interactive exercises such as readings, completing sentences, and filling in the gaps.

Structures and Functions:

  • Revision of structures and functions through contextual practice such as supplying the correct tense and choosing the correct modal verbs.
  • Vocabulary revision: common verbs like: get, look, take, carry, run, keep, stand, work, etc.


  • Reading and listening comprehension focused on supplying specific information.
  • True/false reading comprehension, sentence transformation, and gap-fills.

I'm Quite Jet-lagged
To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary through interactive exercises such as listening and answering questions.


  • Listening comprehension using specific information.
  • Reading comprehension to choose the most appropriate word.

At the Courthouse 1 - Typical Situation
A practical immersion exercise where the student lives through a real-life situation similar to one they would face in the language they're learning.


  • Introduction to new vocabulary, followed by practice using that vocabulary.

At the Courthouse 2 - Typical Situation
Another immersion exercise where the student lives through a similar real-life situation, learning and practicing new vocabulary.

Memories and Experience - Dialogue
Students listen to a series of questions they can answer freely. New vocabulary is introduced.

  • After the exercise, students practice using the new vocabulary.

A Change for the Better - Reading Comprehension
Students read a passage about changes in life and answer multiple-choice and true/false questions.


  • Matching statements with sections to practice cognitive skills like attention, memory, and processing speed.

The Multangular Tower - Dictation
Students practice their listening and writing skills by transcribing a text on tourism, specifically about The Multangular Tower.


  • Listening to the dictation and writing it down. Students can listen multiple times and ask for help if needed. They re-read their work while listening to the audio to check for accuracy.

Recent Anecdote - Speaking Assignment
Learners describe a recent memory or experience they had using some of the commonly confused words learned in the lesson.

Catching Up - Writing Assignment
A short writing assignment to test the learner's ability to write an informal email about the recent past and use vocabulary from the unit.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in the previous lessons.

Unit 7
Shopping at the Market
To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises, including word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

  • The press, necklace, audience
  • Food: minced meat, courgette, aubergine, pear, strawberries
  • Feelings and abstract nouns: courage, respect, affinity

Successful Relationships
To learn and practice grammar, as well as new structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Expressing opinions, likes, and preferences
  • Articles: a, an, the, zero
  • Describing graphs and statistics
  • Abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust, etc.
  • Quantifiers: ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’, ‘quite a bit of’, ‘quite a lot of’, ‘loads’
  • Food and shopping
  • Percentages and fractions
  • Useful phrases: ‘how did it go?’, ‘to make a change’, ‘to run for’ (plays), ‘it's about’, ‘as far as I know’, etc.
  • Student-led listening with articles
  • Listen and repeat to practice statistics
  • Write the fractions
  • Fill the gaps with the appropriate articles
  • Reading comprehension to identify abstract nouns
  • Reading comprehension to order different factors
  • Student-led listening
  • Fill the gaps with quantifiers
  • Fill the gaps with nouns
  • Listening comprehension

In Round Figures
To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Expressing opinions, likes, and preferences
  • Articles: a, an, the, zero
  • Describing graphs and statistics
  • Abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust, etc.
  • Quantifiers: ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’, ‘quite a bit of’, ‘quite a lot of’, ‘loads’
  • Food, numbers: times, fractions, percentages, and dates
  • Pronunciation exercise to listen and choose the correct sound
  • Listening comprehension to write the figures
  • Sentence transformation using nouns
  • Correct the sentences on the theme of articles
  • Real-life dialogue and film dubbing
  • Choosing synonymous sentences

Family Resemblance - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. Students interact with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing future plans, family members, and resemblances.
After attending the class, students complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

The Mildenhall Treasure - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a written passage about the story of a treasure in Mildenhall (UK). The text is followed by questions in a sequential order to test students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to identify the general meaning, particular details, and logical inferences.

  • Multiple-choice questions
  • Matching statements with their corresponding sections
  • Vocabulary questions
    By practicing active and effective reading, students develop cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed, and visualization.

GM Food - Speaking Assignment
In this activity, the student must record an oral summary of a written text and give their opinion about it. Students will read the text to grasp the main ideas about genetically modified food and provide a short summary followed by their opinion on the topic. This exercise allows the student to practice pronunciation and fluency, as well as review vocabulary and grammar.

Mediation: At the Market! - Writing Assignment
In this lesson, learners write about a shopping experience they had at the market.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 8
Going on a Tour
To learn and assimilate the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises, such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

  • International warning signs (forbidden, permitted)
  • General vocabulary: porch, barbeque, in the open air, claim, hand in, settle in, renew, choice, position, harmony
  • Probability: likely, unlikely, sure

A Mythical Island
To learn and practice grammar, as well as some new structures and vocabulary through interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Expressing permission and prohibition
  • Talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure
  • Expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may or might
  • Modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to
  • Useful expressions: ‘to know in advance’, ‘to be one's own boss’, ‘short term contract’, ‘to keep in suspense’, ‘to be worth someone's while’, etc.
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Student-led listening
  • Complete the sentence with an appropriate word
  • Sentence transformation on the theme of probability
  • Listen and repeat
  • Reading comprehension to find synonyms and antonyms
  • Word and picture association
  • Listening to choose appropriate answers and multiple-choice options

We Would Make a Name for Ourselves
To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Expressing permission and prohibition
  • Talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure
  • Expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may/might
  • Modals for suppositions and logical deductions about present and past
  • Review of modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to
  • Useful expressions: ‘to know in advance’, ‘to be one's own boss’, ‘short term contract’, ‘to keep in suspense’, ‘to be worth someone's while’, etc.
  • Synonyms and antonyms
  • Pronunciation of long and short vowel sounds with a listen and repeat exercise
  • Fill the gaps with an appropriate modal verb
  • Multiple-choice: choose the most appropriate tense
  • Error detection and correction
  • Association of pictures with camp rules
  • Real-life dialogue, film dubbing, and choosing synonymous sentences

Culture - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues focusing on English literature and proverbs.
After attending the class, students complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

A Place I Could Call Home - Listening Comprehension
In this lesson, students practice and test their listening skills. They must pay attention to oral information in different exercises and answer related questions about life events such as going to the dentist, getting plastic surgery, or taking a driving test.

They Might Go... - Speaking Assignment
Learners record a short audio answering questions about a given picture.

Adventurous Journey - Writing Assignment
Learners write a short narrative about an adventurous journey or a memorable event they or someone else experienced.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 9
Getting the Contract
To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises, such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

  • Nativity play, advertisement, signature, recipient, cab, queries, agony aunt, presently, actually, afterwards, ghost
  • American English: highway, elevator, drug store

An Agony Aunt
To learn and practice grammar, as well as new structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Asking for and giving advice
  • Making offers: ‘Would you like me to..?’, ‘Can I..?’, ‘Shall I?’, ‘I'll?’
  • Writing a letter and responding to offers
  • Nativity play, advertisement, signature, etc.
  • Useful phrases: ‘to have a night in’, ‘to get things in proportion’, ‘to go through a phase’, ‘to feel sorry for oneself’, ‘to make a note of’, ‘at leisure’, agony aunts, and advice columns
  • Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures
  • Listening and reading to choose the appropriate response
  • Make offers by filling the gaps
  • Pronunciation: listen and repeat
  • Reading and listening comprehension to answer the questions
  • Writing practice with an exercise to supply an appropriate question
  • Listening and writing: respond to the offers
  • True or false listening comprehension

Put Things into Perspective
To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions:

  • Asking for and giving advice
  • Making offers: ‘Would you like me to..?’, ‘Can I..?’, ‘Shall I?’, ‘I'll?’
  • Responding to offers, detecting the appropriate tone and language: formal vs. informal
  • British vs. American English
  • Review of useful expressions
  • Pronunciation focus on diphthongs
  • Listening comprehension and detecting tone
  • Substitution of American synonyms
  • Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures
  • Gap fill
  • Real-life dialogue, film dubbing, and choosing synonymous sentences

Science - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues focusing on science matters and the linguistic differences between American and British English.
After attending the class, students complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

A Letter from the Agent - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a written passage of a letter sent by a literary agent to a scriptwriter. The text is followed by questions in a sequential

order to test students’ active reading skills. Students are asked to identify the general meaning, particular details, and logical inferences.

Mediation: If I Were You - Speaking Assignment
Learners give their friend some advice on how to manage exam stress.

Giving Advice - Writing Assignment
In this activity, the student must write a text of about 170 words in letter format, giving advice to a friend. The student will follow instructions to congratulate a friend on her career achievements and advise her on her future.
The student can practice and improve grammar, spelling, punctuation, and vocabulary, as well as learn useful writing structures for emails and appropriate registers for written communication.

Test Exercises
In the final lesson of this unit, students complete a variety of exercises carefully selected to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 10
Some Troubles with the Tour
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.
Vocabulary: Front cover, photo session, faith, mankind, miniature, devoted, playful, sexist, tend, pedigree, wild, moggy, the big screen, and role.

Top Model and Future Star
Aims: To learn and practice grammar as well as more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions: Verbs with gerunds and infinitives (e.g. ‘avoid seeing’ and ‘tend to be’), ‘Who’, ‘Where’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘How’ + infinitive, verbs with dual meanings (infinitives vs. gerunds): “she stopped to smoke” or “stopped smoking”; “remember to buy” or “remember buying,” etc.
Vocabulary: Useful expressions such as ‘to my mind,’ ‘in her element,’ ‘in the public eye,’ ‘it’s no use,’ and ‘there’s no point.’
Activities: Student-led listening, make synonymous sentences, complete the gaps with verbs in the correct tenses, reading and listening to answer questions, finding synonyms, gap-fill, listen and repeat, and listen and answer.

Your Dog on the Big Screen
Aims: To revise and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions: Verbs with gerunds and infinitives (e.g. ‘avoid seeing’ and ‘tend to be’), ‘Who’, ‘Where’, ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘How’ + infinitive, verbs with dual meanings (infinitives vs. gerunds): “she stopped to smoke” or “stopped smoking”; “remember to buy” or “remember buying,” etc.
Vocabulary: Useful expressions such as ‘to my mind,’ ‘in her element,’ ‘in the public eye,’ ‘it’s no use,’ and ‘there’s no point.’
Activities: Pronunciation of diphthongs, error detection and correction, choose the correct word to fill the gaps, write the correct tense, real-life dialogue and film dubbing, and choosing synonymous sentences.

Mass Media - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing the Mass Media.
After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions, and the Dexway system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

The Color Purple - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a written passage of text about the film The Color Purple. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details, and logical inferences.
The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice, matching statements with their corresponding sections, and vocabulary questions. By practicing active and effective reading, students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed, and visualization.

Tell Me About - Speaking Assignment
In this lesson,
Learners record a short audio answering some questions with verbs + infinitive or -ing.

The Influence of Mass Media - Writing Assignment
In this lesson,
Learners write a composition expressing their thoughts on the impact of mass media.

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 11
Saying Goodbye
Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues, and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.
Vocabulary: Household objects and appliances: dishwasher, clothes hangers, sewing machine; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube; materials: bamboo, velvet, pottery.

Choosing a Present
Aims: To learn and practice grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions: Describing objects and the order of adjectives, expressing purpose using ‘for’ or ‘to’.
Vocabulary: Take my place, needless to say, dress up, etc.; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, and triangular; compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag, etc.
Activities: Writing with everyday objects, student-led listening, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, write the correct shapes in the gaps, listening to write the objects according to their definitions, true or false listening comprehension, listen and repeat, listening and reading comprehension, make sentences about the images, and spelling - write the missing letters.

Describing Objects
Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.
Structures and Functions: Describing objects, expressing purpose using ‘for’ or ‘to’.
Vocabulary: Take my place, needless to say, dress up, etc.; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, triangular, and compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag, etc.
Activities: Pronunciation of triphthongs in sentences, listen and repeat, complete the descriptions, listening comprehension to answer yes or no, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, real-life dialogue and film dubbing as well as choosing synonymous sentences.

The Cinema - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing the cinema industry and frequency.
After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises, and the Dexway system immediately evaluates their answers (e.g., pronunciation and writing).

Working Out the Puzzle - Use of English
Students learn vocabulary and useful phrases to talk about making decisions. After reading a cloze text with gaps, students have to practice with it through a series of interactive exercises in which they find the lexicon in the specific context.

At the Trade Show - Listening Comprehension
In this lesson, students practice and test their listening skills. They must pay attention to the oral information heard in a conversation at a craft workshop and a conversation about a trade fair in order to answer a set of related questions.

Mediation: Describing Objects - Speaking Assignment
In this lesson,
Learners describe three objects based on a picture given.

Films and the Film Industry - Writing Assignment
In this lesson,
Learners write a short composition expressing their opinions about films and the film industry.

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Unit 12
On the Way to Ireland
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures, and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises.
Activities: Listening comprehension and gap-fill, pronunciation practice with the revision of difficult sounds, real-life dialogue, and film dubbing.

Christmas Stories
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures, and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises.
Activities: Reading and listening comprehension with true or false answers, multiple-choice listening comprehension, reading and writing practice to choose the appropriate ending, gap-fill reading comprehension, and writing practice with a complete-the-sentences exercise.

Brunch or a Regular Meal?
Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures, and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises.
Activities: True or false reading and listening comprehension, multiple-choice listening comprehension, reading and writing to choose the appropriate ending, reading comprehension and gap-fill, and a sentence completion exercise.

Cake Design - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a written passage of text about the life of a famous cake decorator. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details, and logical inferences.
The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice, matching statements with their corresponding sections, and choosing the best summary for the text. By practicing active and effective reading, students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed, and visualization.

Secrets of the Sacred Lake - Use of English
Students learn vocabulary and useful phrases to talk about the secret of a sacred lake in Central America, the most popular pet, and scuba diving. After reading a cloze text with gaps, students have to practice with it through a series of interactive exercises in which they find the lexicon in the specific context.

The Performance - Reading Comprehension
In this lesson, students read a written passage of text about someone’s experience performing in a theatre. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students’ skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details, and logical inferences.

Ecotourism - Speaking Assignment
In this activity, the student must record an oral summary of a written text and give their opinion about it. They will read the text to grasp the main ideas about ecotourism and will provide a short summary followed by an opinion about the topic. Along with this oral exercise, the student can practice and improve pronunciation and fluency, as well as review vocabulary and grammar when preparing the activity and improvising accurate solutions during the recording.

Talking About the Theatre - Writing Assignment
In this lesson,
Learners write a short article for a local newspaper or a blog about their experience attending a theatre performance.

Test Exercises
In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

Course Revision
Final Test
In this last lesson of the course, and as a way to revise, the student will come across a variety of exercises to help consolidate and evaluate any knowledge acquired throughout the duration of the course.

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