Dexway Fast English - Level B1 - Course 1 y 2

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Área principal

Course 1

  • Dexway Fast English B1.1 is a highly visual course, which takes the learner from Pre-intermediate to Lower-intermediate level. Using video as the main format to present new expressions and structures, the learner sees how the language is used by native speakers, in meaningful contexts, simulating the way we learn our first language - naturally. The use of video makes the course accessible and entertaining - meaning that learners grasp concepts quickly. There are exercises based on the communicative aspects of the content, rather than the grammar, which is covered in context.
  • Students are presented with more complex concepts of the English language and are encouraged to improve their pronunciation through interactive exercises. The language skills acquired in the course will enable students to communicate confidently in a range of typical contexts and maintain conversations in everyday situations. They will also start to see useful language for more specialised areas such as work, holidays and travel. There is an introduction to phrasal verbs, making recommendations and discussing future plans in preparation for the coming levels.
  • By the end of the course, students will have seen the language necessary to go about daily life in an English-speaking country – in particular, to tell short anecdotes, talk about the past and to discuss more abstract concepts such as obligation or relationships. In addition to the vocabulary, the course also includes the necessary grammar to deal with more complicated topics such as talking about rules and permissions or expressing ideas about the past, present and future in more detail.
  • The course also includes specific speaking and writing assignments focusing on the main grammar and vocabulary of each unit as well as practice with mediation-style tasks. In addition to the more controlled practice provided by the assignments, AI role-plays offer free practice with the topics covered - giving learners the opportunity to participate in spontaneous speaking activities, replicating realistic exchanges.


Course 2

  • Dexway Fast English B1.2 is a highly visual course, which takes the learner from Pre-intermediate to Lower-intermediate level. Using video as the main format to present new expressions and structures, the learner sees how the language is used by native speakers, in meaningful contexts, simulating the way we learn our first language - naturally. The use of video makes the course accessible and entertaining - meaning that learners grasp concepts quickly. There are exercises based on the communicative aspects of the content, rather than the grammar, which is covered in context.
  • Students are presented with more complex concepts of the English language and are encouraged to improve their pronunciation through interactive exercises. The language skills acquired in the course will enable students to communicate confidently in a range of typical contexts and maintain conversations in everyday situations. They will also start to see useful language for more specialised areas such as household chores, using the telephone and telling anecdotes. There is an introduction to ways of comparing, expressing conditions and giving advice in preparation for the coming levels.
  • By the end of the course, students will have seen the language necessary to go about daily life in an English-speaking country - in particular, to communicate over the telephone, talk about the past and to talk about more abstract concepts such as expressing purpose or making suggestions. In addition to the vocabulary, the course also includes the necessary grammar to deal with more complicated topics such as talking about the recent past and speculating about an image or expressing ideas about the past, present and future in more detail.
  • The course also includes specific speaking and writing assignments focusing on the main grammar and vocabulary of each unit as well as practice with mediation-style tasks. In addition to the more controlled practice provided by the assignments, AI role-plays offer free practice with the topics covered - giving learners the opportunity to participate in spontaneous speaking activities, replicating realistic exchanges.


Unit 1. Rock band

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses. There are comprehension exercises as well as additional pronunciation practice with commonly confused vowel sounds.
How long does it take? - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is using appropriately the expression “How long does it take?” After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: How long does it take? (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about duration.
Mediation: I went to ... - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners talk about a concert or music event they attended in the past.
Yesterday - Writing assignment
A short writing activity to test the learner's ability to use the past simple and past continuous to talk about actions and events in the past.
Role-play: How long does it take? (2)

In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about past activities.


Unit 2. Camping in the countryside
In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the past simple and past continuous. There are comprehension exercises as well as additional pronunciation practice with commonly confused consonant sounds.
Free time - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson focuses on free time activities. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Rules and obligations (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise using must and mustn't to talk about rules and obligations.
Least eco-friendly entertainment - Masterclass
Students watch a short video about how entertainment isn't always eco-friendly. There are comprehension questions at set points during
the video in order to check understanding and give students the chance to reflect on what they have heard so far.
Mediation: What kind of holiday - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Speaking: Learners record themselves talking about the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of holiday>* Activates comparative
language learned inMeans of Transport and lexis in Going on Holiday
I went on holiday - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a short text about a past holiday they went on.
Role-play: Rules and obligations (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise using must and mustn't to talk about rules and obligations.

Unit 3. You're not on the list

You're not on the list
In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses. There are comprehension exercises as well as additional pronunciation
practice with commonly confused consonant sounds.
What should you do if...? - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson focuses on daily obligations. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: It's someone who... (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise using relative pronouns.
Phrasal verbs - Speaking assignment
A short speaking assignment to test the learner's ability to use some common phrasal verbs and to give reasons using 'so' and
Wise advice - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a blog post offering advice to people on various aspects of life.
Role-play: It's someone who... (2)

Unit 4. Let me buy you a drink
In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of comment tags, should/shouldn't and the present perfect. There are comprehension exercises as well as additional pronunciation practice with commonly confused vowel sounds and dubbing exercises.
Your ideal job - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson focuses on manners and dress code in a job interview and the different professions. Students revise the use of should/shouldn’t. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Job interview (1) - Candidate
This role-play provides practice at answering some of the typical questions that may be asked in a job interview. It also gives the learner
the freedom to use the past simple and the present perfect to talk about experiences.
I've tried... - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio describing a meal they have recently enjoyed at a restaurant or prepared at home.
Mediation: Weekend job - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a paragraph about their ideal job.
Role-play: Job interview (2) - Interviewer
This role-play provides practice at asking some of the typical questions that may be used in a job interview. It also gives the learner the freedom to use the past simple and the present perfect to ask about experiences.

Unit 5. I'm planning to go to Los Angeles

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of question tags and the use of verbs followed by gerunds or infinitives. There are comprehension exercises as well as additional pronunciation practice with commonly confused consonant sounds and dubbing exercises.
Road signs - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on talking about the meaning of different road signs. Students revise the use of should/shouldn’t. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Plans (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about future plans and arrangements.
Intentions and plans - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio talking about their future plans and intentions.
I plan to - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write the answers to some questions given to practise some verbs + infinitive or -ing.
Role-play: Plans (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about future plans and arrangements.

Unit 6. Falling in love

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses as well as 'must' and 'mustn't'. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises.
Going out - Dialogue
The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.
Role-play: Catching up with a friend (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about a recent past experience.
A visit to the pet shop - Speaking assignment
In this activity the student must record oral answers to some of the questions about the picture given. He/she will examine the picture about customers in a pet shop and then elicit answers to some questions in a logical order. Along this oral exercise the student can practice and improve pronunciation and fluency, as well as review vocabulary and grammar when preparing the activity and improvise accurate solutions during the recording.
Working in the UK - Writing assignment
In this activity the student must write an email of about 125 words to a friend, following the instructions given. They will tell the other person about an opportunity to work in the UK that they have been awarded. They should give details about the news using past tenses, and also talk about their feelings and plans for the future. In this writing task the student can practise and improve grammar and spelling skills, review punctuation and vocabulary, and also learn about useful writing structures for emails, including the appropriate registers for Internet communication.
Role-play: Catching up with a friend (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about a recent past experience.

Unit 7. Saying goodbye to the band

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of future tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises. There are also exercises to practise consonant sounds.
What will happen? - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on the use of the verb tense known as future simple (will). Students also practice the first conditional form. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Sports centre (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about future plans and using comparatives.
My future plans - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio talking about their plans for the near future.
The world of tomorrow - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a paragraph about what they think will be different in the world a hundred years from now.
Role-play: Sports centre (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about future plans and using comparatives.

Unit 8. Getting married

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises. There are also exercises to practise consonant sounds.
Superstitions - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on talking about superstitions using the future simple. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Plans and predictions (1)
This role-play provides practice at talking about future plans and predictions using the future simple as well as the present continuous or going to+infinitive.
Relationships - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio describing the qualities they think are essential in a partner for a successful and happy relationship.
The consequences - Writing assignment
In this activity the student must write a text of about 125 words narrating a short story from an initial given sentence. He/she must use past tenses to tell about relevant facts that happened in a short period of time. By this writing task the student can practice and improve grammar and spelling skills, review punctuation and learn about vocabulary and writing structures for short coherent and intriguing narrations.
Role-play: Plans and predictions (2)
This role-play provides practice at talking about future plans and predictions using the future simple as well as the present continuous or going to+infinitive.



Unit 1. What a marvellous surprise!

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises. There are also exercises to practise vowel sounds.
The woman who... - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on the use of relative pronouns by describing a series of images. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: If I.... (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise using the first conditional.
If I... - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a short paragraph answering some questions using the first conditional.
Mediation: House exchange - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write a description of a house for a house exchange website.

Role-play: If I.... (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise using the first conditional

Unit 2. I can offer you a job

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the passive. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises. There are also exercises to practise vowel sounds.
Making calls - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on common expressions while talking on the phone in order to make orders, call a school, etc. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: What shall we eat? (1)
This role-play provides practice at reaching an agreement, making suggestions as well as talking about food.
Mediation: Comparing food - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio comparing two dishes they like using comparatives and superlatives to describe them.
Recipe - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write the steps for cooking a dish that they know using the passive voice to describe the process.
Role-play: What shall we eat? (2)
This role-play provides practice at reaching an agreement, making suggestions as well as talking about food.

Unit 3. A new barman

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of question tags and interrogative pronouns. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises. There is also pronunciation practice with consonant sounds.
Friendship - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is to learn to talk about friendships and, in general, human relationships. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Nosey neighbours (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise asking questions.
Anecdote - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio describing an anecdote or experience and using adjectives ending in '-ed' to talk about the situation.
It's crucial for - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners choose one of the prompts given and write some sentences explaining the purpose behind the action or activity.
Role-play: Nosey neighbours (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise asking questions.

Unit 4. Dreaming of becoming famous

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of a variety of tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises.
Relationships - Dialogue
The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.
Role-play: Pets (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise comparing animals and typical pets.
In this lesson:
* Learners watch an interactive video and answer a series of questions.
Dog lovers - Speaking assignment
In this activity the student must record an oral summary of a written text as well as give a personal opinion about the topic. He/she will read the text to grasp the main ideas about dogs and people and will elicit a short summary followed by an opinion about the topic.
Along this oral exercise the student can practice and improve pronunciation and fluency, as well as review vocabulary and grammar when preparing the activity and improvise accurate solutions during the recording.
Weddings in your country - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Writing: Learners submit an email in response to an English-speaking friend who requires information about weddings in the learner's
country (activation and personalisation about 'weddings' lexis from the previous lessons)
Role-play: Pets (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about animals and the advantages and disadvantages of owning
a pet.

Unit 5. Doing market research

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the present simple and present continuous tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises and also a focus on the pronunciation of the final -s sound of different words.
Work and leisure - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is to learn to talk about work and leisure activities. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Survey (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise question forms and talking about hobbies and free time activities.
I usually do - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio talking about a sport or fitness activity they do or want to do.
Similar words - Writing assignment
A short writing assignment to test the learner's ability to distinguish between commonly confused words.
Role-play: Survey (2)

In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise question forms and talking about hobbies and free time activities.

Unit 6. Remembering old times

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the past simple and past continuous tenses. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises and also a focus on the pronunciation of the final -ed sound of regular verbs in the past simple.
Making plans for holidays
In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the present perfect. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises and also a focus on the pronunciation of stressed syllables.
Role-play: Talking about the past (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about the past and using the correct pronunciation or regular verbs in the past simple.
Sports - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to specific terminology used to talk about sports, specifically about popular sports, teams, tools to practice different sports and expenses. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and
What has happened? - Speaking assignment
A short speaking assignment to test the learner's ability to describe images and use the present perfect to talk about what has just happened.
Mediation: Local sports - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write an email to an English-speaking friend who is interested in sport
Role-play: Talking about the past (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise talking about the past and using the correct pronunciation or regular verbs in the past simple.

Unit 7. A fortnight in Austria

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of the future simple. There are comprehension exercises and additional speaking practice with dubbing exercises and also a focus on correct intonation.
This time yesterday - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to the following topics: experiences in the past.
After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Spa break (1)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise asking for specific information.
Predictions - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners submit a short audio recording talking about their predictions for the future.
House exchange - Writing assignment
In this activity the student must write a text of about 125 words and email format addressed to a family following the instructions given.
He/she will tell about a home exchange experience in the past with that family, referring to good and bad points and suggesting a new exchange. In this writing task the student can practice and improve grammar and spelling skills, review punctuation and vocabulary, and also learn about useful writing structures for emails and the appropriate registers for Internet communication purposes.
Role-play: Spa break (2)
In this lesson the student will participate in a role-play to practise asking for specific information.

Unit 8. Housework

In this lesson:
* Learners watch videos with examples of 'make' vs 'do' and housework activities. There are comprehension exercises and additional
speaking practice with dubbing exercises and also a focus on the pronunciation of 'can' and 'can't'.
Modern life and society - Masterclass
Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to the following topics: cultural differences, cultural appreciation and imaginary situations. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.
Role-play: Housework (1)
This role-play provides practice on the topic of household chores and talking about likes and dislikes.
Mediation: Housework Chores - Speaking assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners record a short audio describing some housework chores that they do at home.
Mediation: Before travelling - Writing assignment
In this lesson:
* Learners write some advice for someone who is going on a trip.
Role-play: Housework (2)
This lesson gives the learner the chance to make suggestions and use the first conditional to negotiate an agreement. They will also need to make suggestions and express preferences.

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