• Adquirir habilidades avanzadas en inglés.
  • Aprender nuevo y avanzado vocabulario y las expresiones más complejas del idioma.
  • Expresarse de una manera fluida y profesional en la lengua inglesa tanto oral como escrita.
  • Profundizar en la gramática y otras destrezas con métodos interactivos.

Unit 1. In the spotlight.

  1. Grammar. Cleft sentences. Prepositions and it-cleft sentences. Pseudo-cleft sentences.

  2. Vocabulary. Synonyms. Word classes. Idioms and saying.

  3. Reading. Being in the spotlight.

  4. Writing. Being in the spotlight.

  5. Listening. A healthy lifestyle.

Unit 2. Time to spare.

  1. Grammar. Participle clauses.

  2. Vocabulary. Leisure activities, hobbies, games and sports.

  3. Reading. Futile exercise.

  4. Writing. Formal letter

  5. Listening. Physical education aims for active lives, fewer painful memories.

Unit 3. See the world.

  1. Grammar. Impersonal passive constructions.

  2. Vocabulary. Tourism.

  3. Reading. A time for travel.

  4. Writing. A review.

  5. Listening. Inneson travelling.

Unit 4. Learning for life.

  1. Grammar. Position of adverbs.

  2. Vocabulary. Education.

  3. Reading. Possitive thinking.

  4. Writing. An application.

  5. Listening. Rob on Univerity.

Unit 5. Mother nature.

  1. Grammar. Conditionals: hypothetical conditions, open conditions.

  2. Vocabulary. The environment.

  3. Reading. The history of the zoo.

  4. Writing. Giving your own opinion.

  5. Listening. Pesticides blamed for killing wildlife in Kenya.

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