Ingles C.1.B. (SSCE130)

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Área principal

Unit 1

1. Contracting services for the company

In this lesson the student will watch a real life situation where a team of people at work decide their needs and negotiate appropriate deals to find the right price for the services they want.

The learner will watch them make offers and counter offers and use the existing relationships they have with suppliers to find the best deal.

The student will dub and record the talent of choice in the movie to practice intonation, stress and pronunciation. In this way the student will be involved in a real life situation that improves intonation and practices understanding.


2. Car and life insurance - Vocabulary practice (USA)

The course content introduces beginner vocabulary in the area of Insurance. There is pronunciation practice and the learner is exposed to verbal and written practice of the vocabulary. Sentences and definitions of all vocabulary are available for full comprehension of the terms. Vocabulary includes – annuity, casualty, moral hazard, maturity value, insured and proposer.


3. Telephone life insurance sales - Typical situation (USA)

In this lesson, students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening and following along with a typical situation in a real life situation. We will be listening to a phone call between an insurance salesperson and a potential new client regarding life insurance.


4. Marketing plan - Dictation

The student will practice their oral comprehension and their writing, at the same time that they learn the vocabulary and useful expressions from important topics and so put into practice the language they are learning in a more advanced way.


5. Public opinion - Speaking assignment


6. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 2

7. Chemist's - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


8. Travelling - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


9. Cake design - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read a written passage of text about the life of a famous cake decorator. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice, matching statements with their corresponding sections and choosing the best summary for the text. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


10. Secrets of the sacred lake - Use of English

Students learn vocabulary and useful phrases to talk about the secret of a sacred lake in Central America, the most popular pet and scuba diving. After reading a cloze text with gaps, students have to practice with it through a series of interactive exercises in which they find the lexicon in the specific context.


11. Public opinion - Writing assignment


12. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 3

13. Shopping at the supermarket

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary:  the press, necklace, audience; food: minced meat, courgette, aubergine, pear, strawberries, feelings and abstract nouns such as: courage, respect and affinity.


14. Successful relationships

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: - expressing opinions, likes and preferences , articles: a, an, the, zero, describing graphs and statistics, abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust etc, quantifiers: ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’, ‘quite a bit of’, ‘quite a lot of’ and ‘loads’. Vocabulary: food and shopping, percentages and fractions, useful phrases: ‘how did it go?’, ‘to make a change’, ‘to run for ‘(plays), ‘it's about’, ‘as far as I know’ etc. Activities: student-led listening with articles, listen and repeat to practice statistics, write the fractions, fill the gaps with the appropriate articles,  reading comprehension to identify abstract nouns,  reading comprehension to order the different factors, student-led listening, fill the gaps with quantifiers, fill the gaps with nouns, listening comprehension.


15. In round figures

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions:  expressing opinions, likes and preferences, articles: a, an, the, zero, describing graphs and statistics, abstract nouns: sincerity, communication, affinity, motivation, trust etc, quantifiers: ‘a little’, ‘little’, ‘a few’, ‘few’, ‘quite a bit of’, ‘quite a lot of’ and ‘loads’. Vocabulary: food, numbers: times, fractions, percentages and dates. Activities: pronunciation exercise to listen and choose the correct sound, listening comprehension to write the figures, sentence transformation using nouns, correct the sentences on the theme of articles, real life dialogue and film dubbing as well as choosing synonymous sentences.


16. Family resemblance - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing about future plans, family members and resemblances. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


17. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 4

18. Going on a tour

Aims: to learn and assimilate the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: international warning signs - forbidden, permitted and more general vocabulary: porch, barbeque, in the open air, claim, hand in, settle in, renew, choice, position, harmony and probability: likely, unlikely, sure.


19. A mythical island

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: expressing permission and prohibition, talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure, expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may or might, must, may and might for suppositions and logical deductions about present and past, review of modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to. Vocabulary: useful expressions e.g. ‘to know in advance’, ‘to be one's own boss’, ‘short term contract’, ‘to keep in suspense’, ‘to be worth someone's while’ etc, synonyms and antonyms . Activities: student-led listening, complete the sentence with an appropriate word, sentence transformation on the theme of probability, listen and repeat, reading comprehension to finding synonyms and antonyms, word and picture association, listening to choose appropriate answers and  multiple choice options.


20. We would make a name for ourselves

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises.  Structures and functions: expressing permission and prohibition, talking about probability: likely, unlikely, sure, expressing ability: can, could, to be able to, to manage to, may/might.  Must, may and might for suppositions and logical deductions about present and past, review of modals for permission and obligation: must, mustn't, needn't, have to, don't have to The vocabulary section reviews useful expressions: ‘to know in advance’, ‘to be one's own boss’, ‘short term contract’, ‘to keep in suspense’, ‘to be worth someone's while’ etc and synonyms and antonyms. Activities: pronunciation of long and short vowel sounds with a listen and repeat exercise, fill the gaps with an appropriate modal verb, multiple choice: choose the most appropriate tense, error detection and correction, association of pictures with camp rules, real life dialogue film dubbing and choosing synonymous sentences.


21. Culture - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing about English literature and proverbs. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


22. The Mildenhall Treasure - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read a written passage of text about the story of a treasure in Mildenhall (UK). The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice, matching statements with their corresponding sections and vocabulary questions. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


23. A place I could call home - Listening comprehension

In this lesson students practice and test their listening skills, so they must pay attention to the oral information that is heard in different exercises and answer to a set of related questions about education, specifically the life in a boarding school.


24. Descriptions - Writing assignment


25. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 5

26. Getting the contract

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: nativity play, advertisement, signature, recipient, cab, queries, agony aunt, presently, actually, afterwards, ghost as well as some more American English: highway, elevator, drug store.


27. An agony aunt

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: asking for and giving advice, making offers: ‘would you like me to..?’, ‘Can I..?’, ‘Shall I?’, ‘I'll?’, writing a letter and responding to offers. Vocabulary: nativity play, advertisement, signature etc. Useful phrases: ‘to have a night in’, ‘to get things in proportion’, ‘to go through a phase’, ‘to feel sorry for one's self’, ‘to make a note of’ and ‘at leisure’, agony aunts and advice columns. Activities: association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, listening and reading to choose the appropriate response, make offers by filling the gaps, pronunciation, listen and repeat, reading and listening comprehension to answer the questions, writing practice with an exercise to supply an appropriate question, listening and writing - respond to the offers and true or false listening comprehension.


28. Get things into proportion

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions:  asking for and giving advice, making offers: ‘would you like me to..?’, ‘can I..?’, ‘shall I?’ and  ‘I'll?’, responding to offers, detecting the appropriate tone and language: formal vs. informal. Vocabulary: British vs. American English and a review of useful expressions. Activities: pronunciation focus on diphthongs, listening comprehension and detecting tone, substitution of  American synonyms,  association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, gap fill, real life dialogue and film dubbing as well as choosing synonymous sentences.


29. Science - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing about science matters and about the linguistic differences between the American and British English. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


30. Imagination - Speaking assignment


31. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 6

32. Some troubles with the tour

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: front cover, photo session, faith, mankind, miniature, devoted, playful, sexist, tend, pedigree, wild, moggy the big screen and role.


33. Top model and future star

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: verbs with gerunds and infinitives e.g. ‘avoid seeing’ and ‘tend to be’. ‘Who’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘how’ + infinitive, verbs with dual meanings: infinitives vs. gerunds: she stopped to smoke or stopped smoking; remember to buy or remember buying etc. Vocabulary: useful expressions such as ‘to my mind’, ‘in her element’, ‘in the public eye’, ‘it's no use’ and ‘there's no point’. Activities: student-led listening, make synonymous sentences , complete the gaps with verbs in the correct tenses , reading and listening to answer questions, finding synonyms, gap-fill, listen and repeat and listen and answer.


34. Your dog on the big screen

Aims: to revise and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: verbs with gerund sand infinitives e.g. ‘avoid seeing’ and ‘tend to be’. ‘Who’, ‘where’, ‘what’, ‘when’, ‘how’ + infinitive, verbs with dual meanings: infinitives vs. gerunds: she stopped to smoke or stopped smoking; remember to buy or remember buying etc. Vocabulary: useful expressions such as ‘to my mind’, ‘in her element’, ‘in the public eye’, ‘it's no use’ and ‘there's no point’. Activities: pronunciation of diphthongs, error detection and correction, choose the correct word to fill the gaps, write the correct tense, real life dialogue and film dubbing, and choosing synonymous sentences.


35. Mass media - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing about the Mass Media. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


36. The Color Purple - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read a written passage of text about the film The Color Purple. The text is followed by questions in a sequential order that elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice, matching statements with their corresponding sections and vocabulary questions. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


37. Film industry - Speaking assignment


38. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 7

39. Saying goodbye

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The vocabulary input focuses on household objects and appliances: dishwasher, clothes hangers, sewing machine; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube and materials: bamboo, velvet, pottery.


40. Choosing a present

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: describing objects and the order of adjectives, expressing purpose using ‘for’ or ‘to’. Vocabulary: take my place, needless to say, dress up etc; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square and triangular; compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag etc. Activities: writing with everyday objects, student-led listening, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, write the correct shapes in the gaps,  listening to write the objects according to their definitions, true or false listening comprehension, listen and repeat, listening and reading comprehension, make sentences about the images and spelling - write the missing letters.


41. How objects are

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: describing objects, expressing purpose using ‘for’ or ‘to’. Vocabulary: take my place, needless to say, dress up etc; shapes: pyramid, cylinder, cube, oval, square, triangular and compound nouns: key-ring, shoulder-bag etc.  Activities: pronunciation of triphthongs in sentences, listen and repeat, complete the descriptions, listening comprehension to answer yes or no, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, real life dialogue and film dubbing as well as choosing synonymous sentences.


42. The cinema - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on discussing about the cinema industry and frequency. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


43. Working out the puzzle - Use of English

Students learn vocabulary and useful phrases to talk about taking decisions. After reading a cloze text with gaps, students have to practice with it through a series of interactive exercises in which they find the lexicon in the specific context.


44. Film industry - Writing assignment


45. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

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