Dexway Fast English - Level B2 - Course 1

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Área principal
Dexway Fast English B2.1 is a highly visual course, which takes the learner from Lower-intermediate to Intermediate level. Using video as the main format to present new expressions and structures, the learner sees how the language is used by native speakers, in meaningful contexts, simulating the way we learn our first language - naturally. The use of video makes the course accessible and entertaining - meaning that learners grasp concepts quickly. There are exercises based on the communicative aspects of the content, rather than the grammar, which is covered in context. Students are presented with more complex concepts of the English language and are encouraged to continue to improve their pronunciation through interactive exercises. The language skills acquired in the course will enable students to communicate confidently in a wide range of contexts and to maintain conversations in everyday situations as well as in more complex ones. Topics such as education, health, culture and fashion are all covered, along with the relevant grammatical structures. Students are now able to use defining and non-defining relative clauses, reported speech, indirect questions, past modals and a range of past, present and fu future tenses in order to express themselves easily, only hesitating in more unfamiliar situations. By the end of the course, students will have seen the language necessary to deal with any situation in an English-speaking country - in particular, to talk about possible past events, hypothetical situations, to attend a job interview and speculate about the past. The course also presents more useful structures and expressions that are needed to communicate in a range of situations. The course also includes specific speaking and writing assignments focusing on the main grammar and vocabulary of each unit as well as practice with mediation-style tasks. In addition to the more controlled practice provided by the assignments, AI role-plays offer free practice with the topics covered - giving learners the opportunity to participate in spontaneous speaking activities, replicating realistic exchanges.

Unit 1 

  • The name rings a bell

  • The boy who... - Masterclass

  • Role-play: I was wondering (1)

  • I'm curious to know - Speaking assignment

  • London, wich... - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: I was wondering (2)

Unit 2 

  • Bad news!

  • Giving advice - Masterclass

  • Role-play: Advice (1)

  • Oh dear! - Speaking assignment

  • What has happened? - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: Advice (2)

Unit 3 

  • Interviewing a head teacher

  • If I had studied - Masterclass

  • Role-play: What if...? (1)

  • Quality education - Masterclass

  • A missed opportunity - Speaking assignment

  • What would life have been like? - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: What if...? (2)

Unit 4

  • I have to see a doctor!

  • Health - Masterclass

  • Role-play: Going to the doctor (1) - Patient

  • Mediation: The doctor said... - Speaking assignment

  • Healthy habits - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: Going to the doctor (2) - Doctor

Unit 5

  • You need a retreat

  • Role-play: Services (1)

  • Missionary retreat - Speaking assignment

  • Mediation: Tasks list - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: Services (2)

Unit 6

  • Moving plans

  • Animals and education - Dialogue

  • Role-play: I would if I could (1)

  • Gift ideas - Speaking assignment

  • If only - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: I Would if I could (2)

Unit 7

  • Business

  • Supply company - Dialogue

  • Role-play: What shall we buy? (1)

  • Jewellery shop

  • Receptionists and Hotel Workers

  • Mediation: Cultural Exploration - Speaking assignment

  • Mediation: The perfect job - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: What shall we buy? (2)

Unit 8

  • Business

  • Retail Industry: Apparel

  • Role-play: Clothes and fashion (1)

  • Retail Industry: Footwear

  • Supermarket

  • Last minute change - Speaking assignment

  • Letter of application - Writing assignment

  • Role-play: Clothes and fashion

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