English Dexway Professional - Level B1 - Course 2

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Área principal
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and begin the transition from B1 to a solid B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially in situations such as travel and accommodation, expressing oneself and responding to questions. In this block the learner will practice the narrative tenses (Past simple, Past continuous and Present perfect) and begin to practice re-telling personal experiences and stories from journeys or past events. As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered. The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student- led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Unit 1 

  • Rock band

  • We're going to perfom at Glastonbury

  • "Dark Night"

  • How long does it take? - Masterclass

  • Test exercises

Unit 2 

  • Camping in the countryside

  • Cut that wire

  • Camping rules

  • Free time - Masterclass

  • Life outside - Additional vocabulary

  • Test exercises

Unit 3

  • You are not invited to the party

  • Why don't you come in?

  • I liked your new song

  • What must you do if...? - Masterclass

  • Test exercises

Unit 4

  • Let me treat you to a drink

  • Shouldn't I?

  • I feel ill

  • Your ideal job - Masterclass

  • Test exercises

Unit 5

  • I fancy going to the United States

  • What has happened here?

  • Your plans in life

  • Road signs - Masterclass

  • Lets get a takeaway - Additional vocabulary

  • Test exercises

Unit 6

  • Falling in love

  • The bill is wrong

  • African-American writers

  • Test exercises

Unit 7

  • Travelling adventures - Typical situation

  • At the Castle bed and breakfast hotel - Typical situation

  • Near and far - Dialogue

  • Commuting and public transport - Reading

  • Commuting and public transport - Dictation

  • Test exercises

Unit 8

  • Types of shoes - Specific vocabulary

  • Purchasing a pair of shoes - Specific vocabulary

  • These shoes are broken! - Specific vocabulary

  • Footwear - Vocabulary practice

  • Test exercises

Unit 9

  • Food shopping - Typical situation

  • Going out - Dialogue

  • Potato salad - Reading comprehension

  • Test exercises

Course revision

  • Final test

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