• Conseguir un nivel elemental de comprensión oral y escrita y en expresión e interacción oral y escrita que permita a los alumnos intercambios comunicativos muy simples y controlados sobre temas familiares y habituales destinados a satisfacer necesidades de tipo inmediato, con hablantes que se esfuerzan en hacerse entender.
  • Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación y el aprendizaje en lengua
    inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel A1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

Unit 1. Count it!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Days of the week, numbers and greetings
4. Grammar. Verb TO BE: structure and use
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: My school
5.2 Listening 2: Studying abroad
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 2. Where are you from?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Continents
4. Grammar. Interrogative verb TO BE
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Small family
5.2 Listening 2: My day
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 3. Around the World
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Nationalities
4. Grammar. Verb TO BE: affirmative and negative
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Where are you from?
5.2 Listening 2: My Friends and I
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 4. Call me!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: telephone vocabulary and numbers
4. Grammar. Interrogative verb TO BE: yes/no questions and wh-questions
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: The University
5.2 Listening 2: Our holidays!
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 5. Work, work!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Objects in an Office
4. Grammar. Nouns and Articles
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Working in an office
5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 6. Unwrap your present!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Presents and gifts
4. Grammar. Possessive adjectives
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: The Carnival
5.2 Listening 2: The Lord of the rings
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 7. A Family Business
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Family and Friends
4. Grammar. Demostratives adjectives
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Important people
5.2 Listening 2: My friends and I
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 8. What colour is it?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Colours
4. Grammar. Adjectives
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: My siblings
5.2 Listening 2: Looking for a pet
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 9. Eat it all!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Food and Drink
4. Grammar. Present Simple
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: A strange hobby
5.2 Listening 2: A Tasty Recipe
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 10. Housework? Oh no!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Verb Phrases
4. Grammar. Negative form Present Simple
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Foreigners in Madrid
5.2 Listening 2: Salsa
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 11. What do you do?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Professions
4. Grammar. Present Simple: Interrogative
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: A Tour Guide
5.2 Listening 2: A Bad Day
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 12. My Daily Routine
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Daily Routines
4. Grammar. Adverbs of frequency
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: My job
5.2 Listening 2: My day
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 13. Going out
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Free time
4. Grammar. Genitivo Sajón
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Free time
5.2 Listening 2: A hobby
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 14. 3,2,1…Action!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Types of films; people in films and watching a film
4. Grammar. Imperative and object pronouns
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Jason
5.2 Listening 2: The cinema of my town
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 15. Let’s go shopping?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Verb Phrases
4. Grammar. Can/can’t
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Sweatshops
5.2 Listening 2: A Big Mistake
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 16. I love sports!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Sports
4. Grammar. Like/love/hate + ing
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Working in a team
5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 17. Travelling abroad
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Travelling
4. Grammar. Present continuo
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Multiculturalism
5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 18. Diva
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Clothes and accessories
4. Grammar. There + Be
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: A special day
5.2 Listening 2: My home in Rome
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 19. A Good Holiday
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Hotels
4. Grammar. Present simple vs present continuous
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Family holidays
5.2 Listening 2: Going abroad
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 20. Where are you?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Location
4. Grammar. Prepositions of place
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: A nice journey
5.2 Listening 2: A bad trip
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 21. Did you do it?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Regular verbs
4. Grammar. Past simple
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal
5.2 Listening 2: A proposal
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 22. Get ready, have a break, go for it!
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Get, go, have and do
4. Grammar. Di/didn’t
5. Listening
5.1 Listening 1: Time for school
5.2 Listening 2: Columbus
6. Writing
7. Speaking
7.1 Pronunciation
7.2 Situation
Key ideas

Unit 23. How was it?
1. Do you remember these words?
2. Reading
3. Vocabulary: Irregular verbs
4. Grammar. Past simple (did; -ed)
5. Listening

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