- Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma de forma sencilla pero
adecuada y eficaz, siendo capaz de comprender, expresarse e
interactuar, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, en situaciones
cotidianas, que requieran comprender y producir textos breves, en
diversos registros y en lengua estándar, que versen sobre aspectos
básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones,
estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente.
- Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación y
el aprendizaje en lengua inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a
las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel A2 del Marco Común
Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).
Unit 1. A Spanish from Spain
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Nationalities, Countries, Numbers
- Grammar. El verbo “to be” y los pronombres de sujeto / The verb “to be” and subject pronouns
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 2. The weekend
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Days of the week, Months, Numbers 1-30
- Grammar. Verbo to be en la forma negativa e interrogativa
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: My town 5.2 Listening 2: The market
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 3. Office Work
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Objects in an Office
- Grammar. Adjetivos posesivos y los pronombres
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Working in an office 5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 4. I love my house
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Objects in the house
- Grammar. Cómo formar el plural de los nombres, y las preposiciones de lugar
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Our planet 5.2 Listening 2: My dream house
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 5. Fashionable colours
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Colours, Clothes, Accessories, Underwear, Verbs related to clothing
- Grammar. Adjetivos
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 6. What a leisure!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Free time activities
- Grammar. Uso del imperativo y las estructuras con “let’s”
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Leisure time plans 5.2 Listening 2: The shopping center
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 7. What do you normally do?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Daily Routines
- Grammar. Presente simple en su forma afirmativa y negativa
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Celebrations 5.2 Listening 2: Wonderful Places
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 8. What do you do?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Professions
- Grammar. Presente simple en su forma negativa e interrogativa
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A Tour Guide 5.2 Listening 2: A Bad Day
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 9. A friendly family
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Family, Words related to family, Words, expressions and phrases for friendship and friends
- Grammar. El Genitivo Sajón, Adjetivos descriptivos
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 10. What? Who? When?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Question Words
- Grammar. Orden de las partículas interrogativas
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: The colors 5.2 Listening 2: A message to a friend
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 11. When was it?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Telling Time
- Grammar. Preposiciones de tiempo y lugar
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: First teachers 5.2 Listening 2: Childhood memories
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 12. Sports to be healthy!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Sports
- Grammar. Adverbios de frecuencia y las colocaciones con do, play and go
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Working in a team 5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 13. I’m good at English!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Adjectives to talk about abilities or skills
- Grammar. Verbo “can”
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 14. Sunny is funny
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Weather Conditions, Temperature, Seasons
- Grammar. Estructura y el uso del presente continuo
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A day with Alice 5.2 Listening 2: The camping
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 15. Too loud!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Noise
- Grammar. Presente simple / presente continuo
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Help children 5.2 Listening 2: A Crowded places
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 16. Go around the globe
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Travelling
- Grammar. Pronombres objeto
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Multiculturalism 5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 17. The first date
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers, The date
- Grammar. Diferencia entre “to do” y “to be”, expresiones sobre “Likes and Dislikes”
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 18. Lost in an island
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Holiday
- Grammar. Estructura y el uso de “like”
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Jobs. There are many different professions. 5.2 Listening 2: The colors
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 19. Tell me what happened
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Word formation
- Grammar. Pasado simple del verbo “TO BE”
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A memorable proposal
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 20. Was it true?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Past time expressions
- Grammar. Pasado simple de los verbos regulares
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A proposal
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 21. Films or movies?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Palabras más comunes relacionadas con el cine
- Grammar. Pasado simple en los verbos irregulares
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A proposal
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 22. Help!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Vocabulario relacionado con la casa
- Grammar. Presente y pasado de la secuencia verbal THERE + BE
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Shopping in the supermarket 5.2 Listening 2: Buying food
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 23. Eating out
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Food and drink
- Grammar. Past simple (did; -ed)
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A strange hobby 5.2 Listening 2: A tasty recipe
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 24. Buy, buy, buy
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Shopping
- Grammar. Determinantes a/an, some, any
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Sweatshop 5.2 Listening 2: A Big Mistake
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 25. The English Day
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Palabras más comunes relacionadas con las celebraciones
- Grammar. Presente perfecto
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 26. Care yourself
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con la salud
- Grammar. Estructura y el uso del presente perfecto y el pasado simple
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: It’s birthday time 5.2 Listening 2: Where I live
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 27. Places to Live
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: City or village
- Grammar. Cuantificadores
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A day out 5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around the world
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 28. Who do you look like?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Family
- Grammar. Verbos modales
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Important people 5.2 Listening 2: My friends and I
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 29. The funniest
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con el mundo de la moda, los desfiles y las pasarelas
- Grammar. Comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 30. Roboting
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Tecnología y ciencia
- Grammar. Futuro con will
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Rotterdam 5.2 Listening 2: Our body
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 31. What about the future?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Prefixes
- Grammar. Be going to para hablar sobre el futuro
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Sweatshop 5.2 Listening 2: A Big Mistake
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 32. Move around
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Means of transport
- Grammar. Verbos modales
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Travelling 5.2 Listening 2: My city
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 33. In a friendly manner!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Word formation – from adjective to adverb
- Grammar. Adverbios de modo
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 34. Loving languages!
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Verb conversion and Noun Conversion
- Grammar. Verbos seguidos por el infinitivo to
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Clothes 5.2 Listening 2: Early one morning
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 35. How do you say…?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Abbreviations
- Grammar. Determinante the (el)
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: My job 5.2 Listening 2: Famous people
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas
Unit 36. Is it working?
- Do you remember these words?
- Reading
- Vocabulary: Compounding
- Grammar. Verbos en presente y pasado
- Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Where are you from? 5.2 Listening 2: My Friends and I
- Writing
- Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas