Emprendedores: Inglés de negocios

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visitado 14 veces
Referencia (sku)
Área principal
Administración y gestión
  • En este curso, se estudian los conocimientos necesarios del idioma para poder llevar a cabo la comunicación en un contexto empresarial o de negocios. Se estudian funciones como: intercambiar información personal, describir trabajos, dar instrucciones, realizar pedidos, expresiones habituales en los viajes, etc.
  • Para ello, se utilizan las técnicas de role-play, lectura de textos y cuestiones abiertas.
  • El estudiante utilizará estructuras verbales, como el present simple y present continuous para comparar y contrastar actividades habituales y periódicas; adjetivos para evaluar compañías; el past simple para hablar de hábitos pasados; el present perfect para referirse a acciones recientes, etc.
  • También se practica la ortografía, los números y la correcta pronunciación de nuevo vocabulario.

  • Modulo 1. Inglés de negocios 
    • Business Introductions
    • A new colleague at work
    • Email problems
    • What do they do?
    • Around the office I
    • International business
    • Starting work – Where are the departments? (British version)
    • Starting work – Where are the departments? (American version)
    • A business lunch
    • Company rules
    • Working life
    • Around the office II
    • What’s my job?
    • A busy day at the office
    • Fire drill – There is a fire! (British version)
    • Fire drill – There is a fire! (American version)
    • The company secretary
    • Where’s my pen?
    • Where is the manager’s office?
    • Responsibilities
    • How many messages?
    • Business trip
    • Health and safety – An accident at work (British version)
    • Health and safety – An accident at work (American version)
    • How was the trip?
    • Comparing companies
    • He’s talking to the boss
    • What time is the meeting?
    • A guest at work
    • My last job
    • It isn’t working! (British version)
    • It isn´t working! (American version)
    • Office I
    • Office II
    • Office III
    • Office IV
    • Typical Situation. Office
    • Performance appraisal
    • Job interview
    • Around the office III
    • An informal meeting
    • Making an order
    • Organising an agenda
    • A trade fair – Watch out for your competitors (British version)
    • A trade fair – Watch out for your competitors (American version)
    • Business correspondence
    • Presenting a company
    • Consultant
    • Dealing with clients
    • What went wrong?
    • Choosing a conference venue
    • Renting a car and van for a trade fair – Get good insurance (British version)
    • Renting a car and van for a trade fair – Get good insurance (American version)
    • Working away
    • Can I take a message?
    • How much?!
    • Prices will go up
    • From start to finish
    • Review
    • Taking a company to court – Is it worth it? (British version)
    • Taking a company to court – Is it worth it? (American version)

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