Module: Receptionists and Hotel Workers

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Referencia (sku)
Área principal
Hostelería y turismo
This course is directed at al students who want to acquire the language ski ls needed to work in hotels and to become hotel receptionists. It provides the student with a l the necessary linguistic capabilities and vocabulary to both understand and produce oral and written messages at an intermediate level in English. This course provides opportunities for the learner to see and use the professional language heard in typical situations by guests, customers and suppliers to the tourist service. Throughout the course, the learner wi l come across a variety of realistic scenarios where they wi l need to use the appropriate communicative strategies in order to deal with the situations effectively. The course presents hypothetical tourist sector clients and customers who write, appear in person and speak over the phone. The learner wi l respond to each situation by using the phone, booking forms, contracts, customer satisfaction surveys and email appropriately. By the end of this intermediate course, the learner wi l be able to express themselves fluently with customers and suppliers on topics relevant to a tourist industry customer service professional.

Receptionists and Hotel Workers

Guests and Tourists I

On successfuly completing this lesson the learner wi l be able to describe the main services and facilities on ofer to tourists. They wi l become familiar with typical customer requirements and requests as wel as how to give and folow instructions. The aim is that learners become familiar with both the audio and written forms of these common requirements so as to feel comfortable in al situations.

Guests and Tourists II

On successfuly completing this second lesson the learner wi l have practised describing the main services and facilities on ofer to tourists. They wi l be familiar with typical customer requirements and requests as wel as giving and folowing instructions. The aim is that learners become familiar with both the audio and written forms of these common requirements so as to feel comfortable in al situations.

Receptionists & Hotel Workers I

On successfuly completing this lesson the learner wi l be able to give basic information about the services they ofer and the main responsibilities and duties receptionists carry out. The learner wi l be able to ask about and understand what a customer requires and carry out their instructions appropriately.

Receptionists & Hotel Workers II

On successfuly completing this lesson the learner wi l be able to give basic information about the services they ofer and the main responsibilities and duties receptionists carry out. The learner wi l be able to ask about and understand what a customer requires and carry out their instructions appropriately.

The hotel receptionist – Typical Situation

In this lesson, the learner wi l demonstrate their understanding of a typical conversation between guests and reception staf at a hotel. The learner wi l listen to the conversation and test their comprehension of the situation by answering multiple-choice questions. The learner wi l complete a booking form with information from the conversation.

Hotel Services I

On successfuly completing this lesson the learner wi l be able to give basic information about the services the hotel ofers. The learner wi l be able to ask about and understand what a customer requires and carry out their instructions appropriately.

Hotel Services II

On successfuly completing this lesson the learner wi l be able to give basic information about the services the hotel ofers. The learner wi l be able to ask about and understand what a customer requires and carry out their instructions appropriately.

Customer service and satisfaction

On successfuly completing this lesson, the learner wi l be able to listen to a guest describe her/his satisfaction with the services and facilities they have used during their stay. The learner wi l be able to understand and take note of the information the client gives.

The hotel – Dialogue Questions

In this lesson the learner wi l demonstrate their understanding of the topics from the previous lessons by responding appropriately to the questions the tutor asks.

Checking into a hotel – Typical Situation

This lesson takes a practical approach to using English in realistic situations. The student wi l participate in a real-life scenario, similar to one they would experience in their working life. In this lesson, the student wi l be introduced to new vocabulary, then, once the exercise has been completed, they wi l have an opportunity to practise this new vocabulary.

The Hotel – You’ve got mail

The student wi l attend a class where a teacher wil pose questions and activities to the student. The student wi l interact with the teacher through guided dialogues.

Receptionists and Hotel Workers – Course test

In this exercise, the learner wi l test their understanding of the key topics seen in the first part of the course. They wi l select the best answers to the questions that folow each text. This test can be used to diagnose any weaker areas that need to be reviewed.

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