This course is designed for learners of English (British variant) working in the field of tourism. The main objective of the course is to present a practical usage of the English language in the tourism sector, and to teach learners to communicate in written and spoken English at an advanced level in a wide variety of situations that are typicaly encountered in this sector. It is recommended that learners have at least an accredited B1 level of English before starting the course.
1. Management and Marketing of Tourism Services
1.1. Presentation of tourist services: What amenities does the resort have?
* Lexis – Amenities and services
* Function – Presenting services, amenities, and payment information
1.1. Presentation of tourist services: The best hotel services
* Lexis – Amenities and services
* Function – Making recommendations
1.2. Management of destination or tourist services reservations: Planning a Holiday
* Video comprehension – Choosing a holiday, explaining an itinerary
* Grammar – Prepositions of place and time
* Grammar – Indefinite Pronouns
1.2. Management of destination or tourist services reservations: Booking a railway ticket
* Lexis – Traveling by train
* Function – Booking a train ticket
1.2. Management of destination or tourist services reservations: Trave ling adventures 1 – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – Traveling to a hotel
* Language focus – Structures with “get”, conditionals, prepositions
1.3. Issuance of tickets, vouchers and other documents related to the commercialization of a tourist service: Travel agency – Typical situation
* Lexis – 3rd party services
* Function – Organising and booking a business trip
* Function – Ofering 3rd party services to clients
1.3. Issuance of tickets, vouchers and other documents related to the commercialization of a tourist service: Receptionists & Hotel Workers 1
* Lexis – Hotel jobs and departments
* Function – Talking to hotel staf
1.3. Issuance of tickets, vouchers and other documents related to the commercialization of a tourist service:
Receptionists & Hotel Workers 2
* Lexis – Hotel jobs and departments
* Function – Talking to hotel staf
1.4. Negotiation with providers and professionals in the tourism service provision sector: Food & Beverage Suppliers
* Lexis – Documentation and suppliers
* Function – Dealing with suppliers
1.4. Negotiation with providers and professionals in the tourism service provision sector: Problems with Delivery Suppliers
* Lexis – Documentation and suppliers
* Function – Dealing with suppliers
1.5. Management of room reservations and other services of the hotel establishment: Booking a hotel room
* Lexis – Amenities and services
* Function – Providing information about hotel services and amenities
1.5. Management of room reservations and other services of the hotel establishment: Booking details
* Function – Making a booking
1.5. Management of room reservations and other services of the hotel establishment: The hotel receptionist – Typical situation
* Function – Processing a hotel room reservation via telephone
1.5. Management of room reservations and other services of the hotel establishment: Traveling adventures 2 Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – Arriving at a hotel
* Language focus – To + infinitive vs. -ing, interrogative structures
1.6. Completion of documents related to the management and marketing of a hotel establishment: Organising a convention – Typical situation
* Function – Processing a booking of a function room
1.6. Completion of documents related to the management and marketing of a hotel establishment: Advertising * Lexis – Advertising
* Function – Advertising in tourism Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Unit 1 Test
Learners test their knowledge on the topics covered in this unit.
2. Providing Tourist Information
2.1. Request for transfer or exchange of information between centers or networks of tourist information centers: Leaflets and guides
* Reading and listening – Information about various tourist destinations
2.1. Request for transfer or exchange of information between centers or networks of tourist information centers: Edinburgh
* Function – Providing tourist information
* Grammar – Uncountable nouns
2.1. Request for transfer or exchange of information between centers: Guided tours
* Listening and reading – The Sagrada Familia
* Grammar – Passive voice
* Tourist attractions
2.2. Management of information on service providers, prices and rates and provision to customers: Agreeing Contract Details
* Function – Agreeing contract details with third parties
2.2. Management of information on service providers, prices and rates and provision to customers: Negotiating Contracts for Online Provision 1
* Lexis – Contracts and documentation
* Function – Dealing with third parties
2.2. Management of information on service providers, prices and rates and provision to customers: Negotiating Contracts for Online Provision 2
* Lexis – Contracts and documentation
* Function – Dealing with third parties
2.3. Provision of general information to the client about destinations, routes, weather conditions, surroundings and leisure possibilities: Weather
* Lexis – Weather colocations
2.3. Provision of general information to the client about destinations, routes, weather conditions, surroundings and leisure possibilities: Itineraries
* Function – Providing information about tourist destinations/attractions
* Reading – Information leaflet
2.3. Provision of general information to the client about destinations, routes, weather conditions, surroundings and leisure possibilities: At the clinic – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – At the clinic
* Language focus – Word formation, accuracy
2.3. Provision of general information to the client about destinations, routes, weather conditions, surroundings and leisure possibilities: Back to ful health – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – Back to ful health
* Language focus – Word formation, to + infinitive vs. -ing
2.4. Preparation of lists of natural resources in the area, sports and / or recreational activities and itineraries: Transport
* Reading comprehension – Using public transport
* Lexis – Public transport
* Grammar – on vs. by
2.4. Preparation of lists of natural resources in the area, sports and / or recreational activities and itineraries: Types of holiday
* Lexis – go + colocations (go the beach, go for a walk, go by plane etc.)
* Lexis – verb + noun colocations (stay at a campsite, sunbathe on the beach etc.)
2.4. Preparation of lists of natural resources in the area, sports and / or recreational activities and itineraries: Holiday Destinations
* Reading and Listening Comprehension
* Lexis – Holiday activities
2.5. Information on environmental legislation that affects the environment and the leisure activities that are carried out within its framework: Planning to visit the park
* Lexis – National parks
* Function – Providing information about tourist destinations/attractions
2.5. Information on environmental legislation that affects the environment and the leisure activities that are carried out within its framework: Tourism – Master class
* Virtual class – Tourism
* Language focus – Experiences as a tourist, ecotourism
2.6. Customer awareness in the conservation of the environmental resources used: A Hotel Leaflet
* Lexis – Environment
* Reading – A hotel leaflet / Being eco-friendly
2.6. Customer awareness in the conservation of the environmental resources used: Holiday Reviews
* Lexis – Adjectives for describing places
* Grammar – Indefinite Pronouns (something, anything, etc.)
2.6. Customer awareness in the conservation of the environmental resources used: We’ve made it to the van Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – We’ve made it to the van
* Lexis – Nature * Language focus – Question forms, “looking” verbs, so vs. such
2.6. Customer awareness in the conservation of the environmental resources used: Good to be alive – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – Good to be alive
* Lexis – Geography, natural surroundings
* Language focus – Conditional structures, to + infinitive vs. -ing, “get”
2.7. Colection of information from the client about their satisfaction with the tourist accommodation services: Customer service and satisfaction
* Function – Fi ling out a customer satisfaction survey
2.7. Colection of information from the client about their satisfaction with the tourist accommodation services: Fi ling in the customer satisfaction questionnaire
* Lexis – Courtesy / satisfaction * Function – Asking for customer feedback
Dialogue questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Dialogue questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Unit 2 Test Learners test their knowledge on the topics covered in this unit.
3. Tourist Information Services
3.1. Specific terminology in tourist relations with clients: Flights and Airports
* Lexis – Flights and airports
* Function – Expressing rules
3.1. Specific terminology in tourist relations with clients: Flying away – Typical situation
* Function – Conversations at an airport
3.1. Specific terminology in tourist relations with clients: At customs, during the flight – Typical situation
* Function – Dealing with travelers at an airport
3.1. Specific terminology in tourist relations with clients: At the airport – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – At the airport
* Lexis – Paperwork, identification
3.2. Usages and habitual structures in the tourist attention to the client or consumer: Everyday Communication in a Tourist Establishment
* Function: Speaking to members of staf in a tourist establishment
3.2. Usages and habitual structures in the tourist attention to the client or consumer: Megan Checks In * Function – Checking in
* Grammar – I’d like
3.2. Usages and habitual structures in the tourist attention to the client or consumer: Megan Checks Out
* Function – Checking out
* Grammar – Adverbs vs. Adjectives
* Function – Recognising and using formal / informal registers
3.2. Usages and habitual structures in the tourist attention to the client or consumer: Checking in and out of a hotel Typical situation
* Function – Dealing with hotel guests
3.3. Differentiation of styles, formal and informal in oral and written tourist communication: Applying for a job in the tourism sector
* Function – Applying for a job, attending a job interview
3.3. Differentiation of styles, formal and informal in oral and written tourist communication: Service Experience at The Highland Parks Hotel
* Function – Dealing with business customers
3.3. Differentiation of styles, formal and informal in oral and written tourist communication: The Happy Hostel
* Listening and reading comprehension – London City Profile
* Lexis – Buildings and places
* Listening comprehension – The Happy Hostel
3.4. Treatment of claims or complaints from customers or consumers: The complaint – Typical situation
* Function – Dealing with complaints
3.4. Treatment of claims or complaints from customers or consumers. Usual situations in customer complaints and claims: Trouble abroad – stolen credit card and passport – Typical situation
* Function – Providing assistance and information to tourists after a crime or incident
3.5. Simulation of customer service situations and resolution of claims: Reporting lost property
* Function – Dealing with lost property claims
3.5. Simulation of customer service situations and resolution of claims: Directions
* Function – Giving Directions * Grammar – In the end vs. At the end
3.5. Simulation of customer service situations and resolution of claims: The concert – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – The concert
* Function – Checking out, providing information and advice to hotel guests
* Language focus – Confusing words, used to + infinitive
3.6. Communication and attention in case of accident with affected people: Visitors insurance
* Function – Attending to customers folowing an accident
3.6. Communication and attention in case of accident with affected people: Dealing with an Accident & Insurance Claim
* Function – Dealing with an insurance company
3.6. Communication and attention in case of accident with affected people: First Aid
* Lexis – Symptoms, Ilnesses, Treatments
* Function – Dealing with emergency services
3.6. Communication and attention in case of accident with affected people: At the hotel – Typical situation
* Lexis – Ilnesses and symptoms
* Listening comprehension – At the hotel
3.6. Communication and attention in case of accident with affected people: A bit better – Typical situation
* Listening comprehension – A bit better
* Language focus – Conjunctions, present perfect
Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Dialogue Questions I
* Free speaking practice of the topics covered in this unit
Unit 3 Test
Learners test their knowledge on the topics covered in this unit.
End of Course Test
End of Course Test
Learners complete exercises to test their knowledge of topics covered throughout the course.