HOTT0019. Información y atención turística en lengua extranjera: inglés

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visitado 61 veces
Referencia (sku)
Área principal
Hostelería y turismo
Aplicar las expresiones y el vocabulario suficiente para interaccionar correctamente con visitantes de habla inglesa.

Meeting clients

How are you?

In this lesson:

* Function: Greetings and Farewels

* Grammar: Subject Pronouns I (I, You, He, She, It)

Subject pronouns

In this lesson:

* Subject pronouns

Nice to meet you

In this lesson:

* Functions: Greetings & farewel

* Functions: Introducing people

* Pronunciation: Stressed sy lables

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

Talking about the present

Present simple: affirmative

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Present simple afirmative Present simple: negative and questions In this lesson:

* Grammar: Present simple negative Present continuous: affirmative

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Present continuous afirmative

Present continuous: negative and questions

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Present continuous negative & questions

Present simple vs present continuous In this lesson:

* Grammar: present simple vs present continuous

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

Travel information

Buildings and Places

In this lesson:

* Lexis: Places/Buildings in town

* Lexis: Prepositions of movement Places to visit In this lesson:

* Functions: Describing buildings & places Going on Holiday

In this lesson:

* Lexis: go + colocations (go the beach, go for a walk, go by plane, etc.)

* Lexis: verb + noun colocations (stay at a campsite, sunbathe on the beach, etc.)

* Grammar: Present simple for scheduled events

* Lexis: Common verbs Flight details

In this lesson:

* Lexis: prepositions of place

* Lexis: flights and airports

* Lexis: telephone language

* Grammar: Present simple afirmative, negative & interrogative

* Grammar: negative imperative

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

Talking about the past

Past simple: affirmative

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Past simple afirmative

Past simple: negative and questions

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Past simple negative & questions

Past continuous: affirmative In this lesson:

* Grammar: Present continuous afirmative

Past continuous: negative and questions

In this lesson:

* Grammar: Past simple negative & questions

Past simple vs past continuous

In this lesson:

* Grammar: past simple vs past continuous

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

Travel experiences

Talking about trave ling

In this lesson:

* Lexis: Phrasal verbs for travel & holidays

* Function: Talking about holidays & travel Talking about travel experiences

In htis lesson:

* Grammar: Past simple vs past continuous

* Lexis: Outdoor activities Tourist attractions

In this lesson:

* Lexis: Tourist attractions

* Grammar: present simple & past simple Solving an overbooking problem

In this lesson

* A listening-based lesson about how to deal with overbooking in a hotel.

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

Talking about the future

Future simple In this lesson:

* Grammar: future simple Future continuous

In this lesson:

* Grammar: future continuous Present simple & continuous for the future

In this lesson:

* Present simple & continuous for the future.

Test exercises

A revision test of the language and structures covered in the unit.

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