Utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para mediar entre hablantes de distintas lenguas, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal, Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación en lengua inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL),

UD 1. Let me introduce myself
- Need a change Grammar workshop. Present simple Vocabulary workshop. Descriptions: age Descriptive adjectives. Physical appearance Descriptive adjectives. Personality. Adjectives followed by prepositions and infinitives. Gradable and non-gradable adjectives Intensifiers
- Just what I am looking for! Grammar workshop. Present continuous Writing workshop. Email structure
- Welcome to Edinburgh Speaking workshop. At the airport
- Getting to know my host family Pronunciation workshop * UD 2. Once upon a time
- A strange night Grammar workshop. Narrativa tenses.
- The poets corner Grammar workshop. Usually vs. used to Pronunciation workshop. Past simple regular verbs -ed pronunciation.
- Once upon a time in England Vocabulary workshop. Books and literature Writing workshop. Book review
- The storyteller Writing workshop. How to sequence facts * UD3. Enjoy your trip!
- What a difficult decisión! Grammar workshop. Future tenses Grammar workshp. Future pronouns Vocabulary. Workshop. Travelling Grammar workshop. Question tags Pronunciation workshop. Question tags
- Destination: Ireland Vocabulary workshop. At the hotel Vocabulary workshop. The weather
- Cultural facts. Molly Malone Writing workshop. Informal letters * UD4. I haven`t seen you for ages
- I`ve never tried it before! Grammar workshop. Present perfect Grammar workshop. Present perfect or past simple Pronunciation workshop. Irregular verbs
- The bill. please G Grammar workshop. Already. yet. still. just for and since Grammar workshop. Impersonal sentences: "You" /people/ they
- Enjoy your meal! Vocabulary workshop. Foods and drinks Let`s talk about numbers * UD5. How can i help you?
- I`m a compulsive shopper Grammar workshop. Comparison in English Grammar workshop. Superlative adjectives
- Cultural Facts: Wales Grammar workshop. Inferiority comparatives Grammar workshop. Equality comparatives Countable or uncountable nouns Less vs fever Pronunciation workshop. The sound `schwa´ /e/
- Shopping at Harrods Vocabulary workshop. Shopping Writing workshop: letter complaint * UD6. I´m into new technology
- I`m a technofile Grammar workshop. Modal verbs Quantifiers
- My first day at work Vocabulary workshop. At work
- Cultural facts: Nosthern Ireland Grammar workshop -ED vs. -ING adjectives Pronunciation workshop. Pronunciation of /h/
- I am the best candidate for that job! * UD7. If i were in your shoes
- If I could. I would Grammar workshop. Conditional sentences Grammar workshop. Wish. hope. wait and look forward to it
- Cultural facts: The educational system in Great Britain and the United States Vocabulary workshop. Education Grammar workshop. The gerund when not in present continuous
- Dear Mr. Jones Writing workshop. Formal letters * UD8. I´m not feeling a hundred per cent
- I need a rest! Grammar workshop. Reported speech
- I feel under the weather! Vocabulary workshop. Parts of the body Vocabulary workshop. Injuries Vocabulary workshop. Medication Vocabylary workshop. Ill and sick
- The honour of the Knight Pronunciation workshop. Silent letters
- Linking words Useful connectors and linking words * UD9. Farawell!
- The film is being shot! Grammar workshop. The passive voice
- Would you fancy a rom-com? Writing workshop. A film review Speaking workshop. Keeping a conversation going Pronunciation Workshop. Liaison
- I`ll miss you!

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