Inglés A2 (I)

visitado 22 veces
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Área principal
  • Hacer preguntas y expresar opiniones relacionada con las compras y la ropa.
  • Describir gustos musicales y aficiones personales.
  • Describir la apariencia física de una persona con vocabulario específico.
  • Desenvolverse en situaciones cotidianas de forma sencilla.
  • Contar experiencias y dar opiniones breves sobre planes.

Unit 1. A new start.

  • Reading: shopping centres.

  • Grammar: present simple. Present continuous. Present simple vs. Present continuous.

  • Vocabulary: the time. Points in time.

  • Listening: time expressions.

  • Writing: do you like shopping centres? Why? Why not?

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 2. When did they begin?

  • Reading: it was rising from the sun.

  • Grammar: past simple. Irregular verbs. Past continuous. Possession.

  • Vocabulary: verb phrases. Music.

  • Listening: irregular verbs. Music.

  • Writing: what were they doing?

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 3. Better than you.

  • Reading: airplanes.

  • Grammar: comparatives. Superlatives. Relatives pronouns.

  • Vocabulary: Physical appearance: hair and eyes. Personality adjectives.

  • Listening: hair and eyes. Personality adjectives.

  • Writing: describe and compare these people.

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 4. What have you bought?

  • Reading: grandma has robbed a bank.

  • Grammar: present perfect. Past participles. Particles with present perfect. Present perfect vs. Past simple.

  • Vocabulary: clothes. About clothes.

  • Listening: ed ending. Clothes.

  • Writing: have you ever...?

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 5. The future is now.

  • Reading: horoscopes. A wedding invitation.

  • Grammar: The future: going to. The future: present continuous. The future: will.

  • Vocabulary: the body. The body: inside organs. The weather.

  • Listening: parts of the body. Inside organs. The weather.

  • Writing.

  • Glossary and links.

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