Inglés B2 I

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Área principal
  • Entender las ideas principales de textos complejos.
  • Relacionarse con hablantes nativos con fluidez y naturalidad.
  • Escribir textos claros y detallados sobre diferentes temas.
  • Ser capaz de dar opiniones indicando los pros y los contras de cada tema.
  • Contestar preguntas sobre la vida cotidiana.
  • Conocer el vocabulario y las expresiones temas de trabajo, familia, comida, etc.
  • Enfrentar situaciones complejas en el ámbito laboral.

Unit 1. The world of work.

  • Reading. Choosing a job. The most needed jobs.

  • Grammar. Present time.

  • Vocabulary. What's your job?

  • Listening. The present perfect.

  • Writing.

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 2. We are different.

  • Reading. The older the wiser?

  • Grammar. Passives. Future time.

  • Vocabulary. People and adjectives. Adverbs.

  • Listening. Passives. The future tense. Adjectives and adverbs. A song.

  • Writing. Something you did.

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 3. Family affairs.

  • Reading. The origin of words.

  • Grammar. Relative clauses. Clauses of contrast and purpose.

  • Vocabulary. Confusing words. Families.

  • Listening. Relative clauses Families. A song.

  • Writing. Family issues.

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 4. Should have known better.

  • Reading. On holiday. Zoo escape shocks residents.

  • Grammar. Modal verbs.

  • Vocabulary. Geography. Landmarks. The environment.

  • Listening. Modals. Geography. The environment. A song.

  • Writing. The environment.

  • Glossary and links.

Unit 5. We are what we eat.

  • Reading. Ghost stories.

  • Grammar. Countable & uncountable. Indefinite pronouns.

  • Vocabulary. Food, Cooking and Eating.

  • Listening. Countable & Uncountable nouns. Indefinite pronouns. A song.

  • Writing.

  • Glossary and links.

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