American Dexway Professional - Level C1 - Course 3

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Área principal
In this final Block the learner will revise the work covered to date through the lexical fields of describing people and places, superstitions, horoscopes tourism and describing paintings and art and arrive at being an Independent User by acquiring the Expert level, thus, being absolutely prepared to pass satisfactorily the TOEFL. Starting with Conditional phrases, time clauses and a review of the Passive voice the learner will encounter exercises to practice reported speech, prepositional clauses, synonyms and antonyms as well as Relative clauses. By now the learner will be able to converse on a wide range of subjects areas from detailed descriptions to abstract concepts. In terms of pronunciation, the learner will continue to model native speakers at a natural speed and be aware of contractions, intonation, elision, homophones, homographs and diphthongs.

Unit 1

In this unit students learn to communicate ideas in conditional sentences. They practice language in formal and informal contexts when giving opinions, advice and orders, and they learn to use verb tenses to express certainty, probability, hypothetical situations, unreal situations, regret and result. Students revise and consolidate vocabulary about superstitions, problems and advice, and they also practice to distinguish between homographs. Regarding grammar, conditional sentences are practiced and all conditional types analysed, as well as prepositions, adverbs and expressions for time clauses.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps or making sentences. Listening is practiced through activities with sentences from videos, gap filling and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to review and consolidate all the language skills acquired through the unit.

In an American bar

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: ladder, horseshoe, itchy palm, lucky charm, fountain, congress, hold on to, to pull a lever, to adjust a dial etc - Describing people and places.

Visiting the doctor

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Expressing real and unreal conditions: even if, until, in case - Expressing general truths - Mixed conditionals Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to have something on one's mind, to go on a spree, play safe, to let oneself go, jump at the chance etc

- Describing people and places Activities - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures Fill in the blanks: choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences -Writing: use the words to make sentences -Listening blanks: finish the sentences.

The girl and the clover

Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary from the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Expressing real and unreal conditions: even if, provided, unless - Expressing general truths and giving advice - Mixed conditionals Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to go on a spree, play safe, to let oneself go, jump at the chance etc - Describing people and places Activities - Pronunciation: homographs -Listen and repeat -Choose the appropriate ending -Fill in the blanks: write the verbs in the correct tense - Listening and reading: answer the questions to predict the story - Error detection and correction - Real life dialog: dub the movie - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Giving opinions - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning how to give one’s opinion and talk about differences. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 2

In this unit students learn to offer help or suggest, to describe processes and to express their feelings about what they like or dislike. They practice language both saying what is wanted or refused and using impersonal sentences. Students revise and consolidate vocabulary about agriculture, mining and industry, as well as terms related to the money market. Regarding grammar, the forms and uses of the passive voice are revised, as well as imperatives and word formation with nouns.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps and answering different questions (synonyms, multiple choice). Listening is practiced through activities with sentences from texts and videos, specific exercises with pictures and questions and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

East Coast culture

Aims: To assimilate and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary - Cooking verbs: to boil, to stir, to pour - Materials and fabrics -Industry: to manufacture, coal, farm, mining

-equality, bachelor, luxury.

A You have been offered a new contract

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Talking about places: industries and customs - Passive voice review: all tenses - Verbs with -ing: can't stand, like, love, resent, fancy, don't mind Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to walk out, generally speaking, to have time to oneself, made by hand, to bring to the boil - Cooking: to boil, to stir, to add, to leave, to pour. Activities -Fill in the blanks: complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs - Association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures -Rewrite the sentences to give the same meaning - Pronunciation: listen and repeat -Gaps: complete the instructions -Reading and listening comprehension: find synonyms - sentence transformation: active to passive - Listening practice: true or false.

Cheap labor for cheap products

Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary seen in the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Talking about places: industries and customs - Passive voice review: all tenses - Verbs with -ing: can't stand, like, love, resent, fancy, don't mind Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to walk out, generally speaking, to have time to oneself, by hand - Cooking: to boil, to stir, to add, to leave, to pour Activities - Pronunciation: noun formation and pronunciation changes -Reading and writing: true or false -Reading: choose the correct word to complete the text - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures - Listening comprehension: fill in the blanks - Sentence transformation: active to passive - Listening practice: true or false - Real life dialog: dub the movie - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Money - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about money and economic matters. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.

Agriculture - Writing assignment Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 3

In this unit students learn to give information about a person or a thing specifying and identifying or explaining additional information. They practice language to make plans and express actions adding prefixes to known verbs. Students revise and consolidate vocabulary about vehicles and driving, traditions and personal appearance. Regarding grammar, defining and non-defining relative clauses are revised, as well as relative pronouns, quantity pronouns and determiners.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps and answering true/ false questions and looking for word equivalents. Listening is practiced through texts and videos, with activities with sentences to correct and complete and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

New Year's Eve in Times Square

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary - tower block, mailman, platter, housing estate, council, to step on, enriched, to fall asleep - Driving and cars: windscreen, steering wheel, pedestrian crossing, rear-view mirror, horn, engine - Transportation: truck, subway.

The language spoken by the original settlers

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Talking about places - Defining and non-defining relative clauses - Explaining processes: after, when, before, then etc Vocabulary - Useful phrases: to say the least, to spend a fortune, to back out, to be made redundant, to be down the road from

British and American English: biscuit/cookie, handbag/purse, flat/apartment - Prepositions: of, about, by, with -Parts of a car. Activities

Association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures -Fill in the blanks: relative pronouns -Match sentences to make relative clauses - Pronunciation: listen and repeat -Reading and listening comprehension: true or false -Reading: find the synonymous British and American words -Student-led listening -Fill in the blanks: choose the best word to complete the sentences -Listening and writing: correct the sentences.

Have a nice day!

Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Talking about places - Defining and non-defining relative clauses: joining two sentences - Explaining processes: after, when, before, then etc - Verbs with pre-fixes: overcooked etc. Vocabulary - Useful expressions: to say the least, to spend a fortune, to back out, to be made redundant, to be down the road from - British and American English - Prepositions: of, about, by, with Activities - Pronunciation: prefixes -complete the sentences - Sentence transformation: American to British English -Writing: join the sentences to make relative clauses - Error detection and correction - Real life dialog: dub the movie - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Communication - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about methods to communicate with other people as well as linguistic differences between British and North American English. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 4

In this unit students learn to express connected ideas with linkers and to tell something that was said before. They also practice language to predict future events and facts. Students revise and consolidate vocabulary about sightseeing and tourism, luck and paranormal phenomena, and they learn to form new adjectives. Regarding grammar, reported speech is practiced analysing all changes of the grammatical person, verbal tense, place and time references. Connectors of contrast, opposition, cause, consequence, purpose and addition are also revised.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps and answering true/ false questions and looking for word equivalents. Listening is practiced through texts and videos, with activities with sentences to correct and complete and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Sightseeing in New York

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: youngsters, security guard, beg, rational, announce - Tourist attractions: The Tower of London, Covent Garden, The British Museum - Parapsychology, horoscopes, fortune telling, telepathy, astrology, intuitive, predictions, nightmares.

The truth game

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Modal verbs: review - Connectors: so that, despite, as, while - Reported speech Vocabulary - Parapsychology, horoscopes, fortune telling, telepathy, astrology - Useful phrases: give it a miss, take something seriously, make something up, wishful thinking, you're telling me! etc. Activities -Student-led listening -Fill in the blanks: write the correct modal or auxiliary verb - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures -Fill in the blanks: choose the appropriate word from the list - Pronunciation: listen and repeat -Reading and listening comprehension: yes or no - Listening and reading comprehension: fill in the blanks.

Famous quotes

Aims: To revise and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Modal verbs: review - Reported speech: reporting quotes and beliefs - Forming adjectives: verbs and nouns (suffixes) - Say, Tell and reporting verbs. Vocabulary - Parapsychology, horoscopes, fortune telling, telepathy, astrology - Useful phrases: give it a miss, take something seriously, make something up, wishful thinking etc. Activities - Pronunciation: adjectives from verbs and nouns: suffixes -Pronunciation: opposite adjectives -Writing: reporting quotes -Fill in the blanks: write the most suitable word -Writing: complete the synonymous sentences - Real life dialog: dub the movie - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Paranormal - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about paranormal situations such as seeing ghosts. After attending the class, students have to record their replies to the same questions. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.

Psychology - Speaking assignment Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 5

In this unit students learn to say the position in the physical space and to express personal impressions, as well as to describe scenes and pictures. They revise and consolidate vocabulary about arts and psychological states, and a series of idiomatic expressions are practiced. Regarding grammar, onomatopoeia is reviewed and useful phrases are studied to express appearances and impressions.

Students perform reading comprehension tasks with a series of interactive exercises, including filling in the gaps and answering multiple choice questions. Listening is practiced through texts and videos, with activities with sentences to correct and complete and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Remembering the tour

Aims: To learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogs and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: aspect, anxiety, subdued, bold, symbolize - Tones and colours: lilac, turquoise, beige, shade - Paintings: watercolour, landscape, portrait, sketch, still life etc -Photography: snaps, close-ups, prints.

Drawing and painting therapy group

Aims: To learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Describing pictures: background, to the right/left of, in the bottom left hand corner etc - Prepositional clauses Vocabulary - Tones and colours: dark, light, lilac, beige etc - Paintings: watercolour, landscape, portrait, sketch, still life, abstract, etc - Useful phrases: to come to terms with, speak volumes, state of mind, at first sight Activities -Student-led listening - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures -Complete the blanks with a word from the list - Pronunciation: listen and repeat - Listening comprehension: complete a registration form - Reading comprehension: multiple choice - Reading: finding synonyms and antonyms -Reading: matching words and definitions -Listening comprehension: true or false.

Handmade greeting cards

Aims: To review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions - Describing pictures: background, to the right/left of, in the bottom left hand corner etc - Prepositional clauses Vocabulary

Tones and colours: dark, light, lilac, beige etc - Paintings: watercolour, landscape, portrait, sketch etc - Useful expressions: to come to terms with, speak volumes, state of mind, at first sight Activities - Pronunciation: listen and repeat - onomatopoeia - Reading comprehension: fill in the blanks - Association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures -Gaps: choose an appropriate ending

-Reading comprehension: true or false - Real life dialog: dub the movie - Choosing synonymous sentences.

Art - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to describe about art. After attending the class, students have to record their replies to the same questions. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.

Museums - Writing assignment Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 6

In this unit students are provided a choice of revision and extension activities: pronunciation and speaking practice with listening exercises, texts and videos and real life dialogue dubbing. Reading comprehension includes interactive activities and writing and sentence completion tasks.

The unit finishes with a test to review and consolidate all the language skills acquired through the unit.

Making plans for the future

Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: Listening comprehension: true or false -Pronunciation: word /syllable stress - Real life dialog: dub the movie.

Revealing your luck

Aims: To revise and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: Reading and listening: answer the questions -Listening: complete the gaps - Error correction -Reading and writing: fill the blanks.


Aims: To review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: Association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures -Fill in the blanks: use the correct tense to complete the text - Choose the appropriate word according to the definitions.

Trouble abroad - stolen credit card and passport - Typical situation

In this lesson, students work through diverse situations with specific vocabulary and expressions that are related to a particular activity or sector, so that the student can smoothly develop in everyday situations related to that specific field.

Dialogue - Superstitions

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can then answer freely by sending their answers to a teacher, on-line. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 7

In this unit students learn to deal with shipping offers and discuss service options in a business context. They learn import-export terms, including trade documentation, transportation and payment conditions, as well as useful idioms and language of insurance regarding benefits and damages.

Students perform reading comprehension and writing tasks with a series of exercises, while listening is practiced through texts and videos with interactive activities and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Import and export service

The learner will watch and listen to a customer service worker answer some frequently asked questions (FAQs) connected to industry regulations and procedures.

The student will see how the worker explains these common situations and explains standard industry procedure.

The student will dub and record the talent of choice in the movie to practice intonation, stress and pronunciation. In this way the student will be involved in a real life situation that improves intonation.

Taking risks - Vocabulary practice

The second part of the course focuses on more intermediate vocabulary in the environment of insurance. Some vocabulary included are – coinsurance, compensation, death benefit, stop loss and elimination period. It is presented in written and spoken exercises to solidify understanding. Vocabulary meanings and sentences are provided to enhance learning.

Car insurance - Typical situation

This real world situation exposes student to use of vocabulary. It will ask students to practice their listening and comprehension skills by following a dialogue of two friends speaking about car insurance.

Taking risks - Use of English

In this activity, students will answer and solidify understanding of definitions and concepts learned in the course. This will be presented in various forms of questions such as word scrambles, multiple choice and fill in the blanks.

Buzz words - Dictation

Students practice written and oral comprehension while at the same time learning useful vocabulary and expressions about fundamental topics, to be able to use them in advanced language practice.

Car industry - Writing assignment Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 8

In this unit students learn to negotiate in a conflict explaining and defending their rights. They also practice language in a formal context using financial terms and talking about investments. Thus, students consolidate vocabulary about work issues and conditions, as well as about negotiation and banking operations.

Students perform reading comprehension and writing tasks with a series of exercises, while listening is practiced through texts and videos with interactive activities and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Going on strike

In this lesson the student will learn about the kinds of disputes that can arise at work and the ways of settling grievances and solving differences.

The student will dub and record the talent of choice in the movie to practice intonation, stress and pronunciation. In this way the student will be involved in a real life situation that improves intonation, emphasis and understanding.

This lesson presents and consolidates the language of organized trade disputes, grievances, terms of employment and proposals for solving these problems.

Banking terms and finance - Vocabulary practice

Students will be studying advanced banking and financial terms and expressions. Building on the previous two financial sections, we will look at vocabulary including – commodity, balanced fund, par value, sales load, and financial planning. It is presented in context in sentences and definitions are provided for each term or expression. Students can practice their speaking and at the same time learn what each term means. Vocabulary includes banking, financial and investments terms.

Meeting at an investment conference - Typical situation

In this lesson students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening and following along with a typical real life situation in the financial environment of two colleagues meeting at an investing conference.

Banking - Use of English

Students will be studying intermediate banking and financial vocabulary. Vocabulary includes- arbitration, commitment fee, collateral, financial capital, garnishment, principal, sub-prime and many others. It is presented in context in sentences and definitions are provided for each term or expression. Students can practice their speaking and at the same time learn what each term means. Vocabulary includes business, banking and accounting terms.

CRM - Dictation

Students practice written and oral comprehension while at the same time learning useful vocabulary and expressions about fundamental topics, to be able to use them in advanced language practice.

Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 9

In this unit students learn to discuss purchase and leasing of commercial property, as well as to deal with customer service and complaints in a formal business context. They revise and consolidate vocabulary about buying and leasing real estates, loans and financial strategies.

Students perform reading comprehension and writing tasks with a series of exercises, while listening is practiced through texts and videos with interactive activities and real life dialogue dubbing. Thus, students carry out speaking tasks with the help of the voice-recognition system in different exercises, so they practice the pronunciation of the words and structures studied in these lessons.

The unit finishes with a test to revise all the grammar and terms studied through the course.

Buying and leasing property

In this lesson the student will watch a business team take advice from a legal and financial expert to decide options open to them before deciding on renting, leasing or buying a new commercial property.

The learner will hear and consider the pros and cons for different courses of action before the team sums up the options and takes a decision.

The student will understand the legal and financial conditions that exist for business mortgages, rentals and leases and related business finance.

The student will dub and record the talent of choice in the movie to practice intonation, stress and pronunciation. In this way the student will be involved in a real life situation that improves intonation and practices understanding.

This lesson presents and consolidates language that describes costs and benefits and sums up financial scenarios such as business rental, business mortgages and property leasing.

At the end of the lesson the learner completes the tests to see what was learned from the unit with different activities. You´ve got mail:

In this section the student will answer the spoken questions the tutor has prepared and plan and write an email following the tutor´s written instructions.

The tutor will give feedback on this work.

Cell phone company - Typical situation

In this lesson students will practice their understanding and comprehension by listening and following along with a typical real life situation in the customer service environment. We will

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