Ingles A.1.A. (SSCE117)

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Área principal

In this first level of five, the student will learn the fundamental tools for communicating in English, taking the learner from 0 to A1 level or Basic User level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of reference). Whilst introducing the correct use of the indefinite article, subject pronouns and basic syntax including the verb "to be" and the alphabet, the block covers functions including: greetings and introductions, nationalities, through meaningful, contextual exercises. As well as introducing the essential structures and vocabulary necessary to talk about the topic areas mentioned, the learner is encouraged to practice pronunciation from the very beginning. With the help of a native speaker, the vocabulary items and sentences modeled can be listened to and simulated.

Unit 1

1. Greetings

Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word and sentence picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.


2. People

Aims: to consolidate what has been studied in the previous lessons through a series of interactive exercises. This includes listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The listening practice is carried out through writing activities such as: gap-filling exercises, sentence completion and film dubbing.


3. Introducing yourself

Aims: to consolidate what has been studied in the previous lessons through a series of interactive exercises. This includes listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The listening practice is carried out through writing activities such as: gap-filling exercises, sentence completion and film dubbing.


4. It is... - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to the conjugation and use of the verb "to be" focusing on the following topics: introductions, greetings and farewells, as well as professions, jobs and adjectives to describe people. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


5. The alphabet - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning the alphabet and spelling words. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


6. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 2

7.  How old are you?

Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Structures and functions include the verb "to be" in the affirmative, short forms, talking about ages, general vocabulary and introductions in the third person. Exercises include the association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, grammar activities such as matching questions and answers and sentence completion through gap-filling exercises.


8. How are the children?

Aims: to introduce and recycle structures and sentences through a series of interactive exercises. This includes student-led listening practice with vocabulary items  from the topics of the family, home and  numbers 0-10. There is also writing practice on the same lexical themes and pronunciation practice with listen and repeat exercises.


9. Happy birthday!

Aims: To consolidate the vocabulary, structures and grammar previously studied through a series of interactive exercises such as: complete the sentences, choose the correct word or option, listening activities, and dub the film. Themes include: the verb "to be" in the affirmative short form, numbers 1-10, vocabulary related to age, families, the home and introductions.


10. Age - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is to talk about age using the verb "to be". The class also approaches other topics such as, "the weather", and the most common nouns and adjectives to describe them. E.g.: cold, child, bus, pencil...  After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


11. Introductions - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning how to introduce oneself and talking about personal information. Students also revise the alphabet. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


12. An introduction - Writing assignment


13. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 3

14. Meeting new people

Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as: word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The structures and functions are focused on: adjectives; the verb "to be" in affirmative; extended personal information; the correct use of subject pronouns; talking about countries; nationalities and every day expressions. Pronunciation practice includes listen and repeat exercises and the association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures.


15. Where I'm from

Aims: to study and practice the target grammar and useful phrases through a series of interactive exercises covering the verb "to be" in affirmative; long and short forms; extended personal information; determiners: a/an;  expressing similarity using also or too; and talk about countries and nationalities. Activities include pronunciation practice with useful phrases, listen and repeat, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, matching questions and answers and sentence completion via gap-filling.


16. Pleased to meet you

Aims: to consolidate and review vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as: listening and writing, pronunciation, listen and repeat, choose the correct word and complete the sentences, dub the film and choosing synonymous sentences. The verb "to be" in affirmative; long and short forms; talking about surnames extended personal information; determiners "a" or "an";  spelling surnames; expressing similarity using "also" or "too"; talking about countries and nationalities using "from".


17. Countries and nationalities - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about countries and nationalities. Students also revise the alphabet. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


18. New friends - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is to learn to introduce members of the family as well as friends and talk about their ages, nationalities, professions and languages using the verb to be and other verbs such as: to speak. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


19. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 4

20. At the party

Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Structures and functions include: adjectives; the verb "to be" in interrogative and negative forms; talking about jobs; giving extended personal information; plurals and the demonstrative pronouns "this" and "these". The vocabulary section looks at nationalities and the pronunciation practice focuses on sentence practice with listen and repeat exercises.


21. What is this?

Aims: to learn and practice grammar through a series of interactive exercises as gap-filling, choose the correct word and listen and repeat the interrogative and negative forms of verb "to be"; jobs;  the determiners "this" and "these" and  the interrogative pronoun "what".


22. Who's who

Aims: to consolidate and review vocabulary, grammar and structures previously studied through a series of interactive exercises such as listening and writing, pronunciation of useful phrases by listening and repeating, choosing an option and gap-filling. Areas covered include the interrogative and negative forms of the verb "to be"; jobs; extended personal information; determiners "this" "these" and regular plural nouns. Listening comprehension exercises include filling in a form, multiple choice, dub the film and choosing synonymous sentences.


23. Meeting Megan - Speaking assignment


24. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 5

25. Making new friends

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


26. Numbers and colours

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


27. General revision and consolidation - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to the following topics: introductions, countries and nationalities, word spelling and travelling. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


28. Getting around - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on a series of questions related to people who are waiting in a queue. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


29. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 6

30. Flying - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on a series of questions related to departures and arrivals at the airport and people travelling by plane. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


31. As time goes by

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


32. Telephones - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. In these dialogues students practice useful expressions to answer the phone, telephone numbers, symbols and parts of the phone. The second part of the class is focused on the use of possessives. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


33. Dream holiday - Writing assignment


34. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 7

35. At the airport - Master class

First, students are introduced to a series of terms that are used in the class they will attend during the second part of the lesson. In the class, the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to specific terminology used at the airport and when travelling by plane. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


36. Airport revision - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues relate to the following topics: travelling by plane and terms related to airports. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension questions and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


37. It's time to pay

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


38. Countries and nationalities

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


39. On the go

In this lesson, specific vocabulary expressions related to an activity or a specific area will be studied through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope, without any problems, everyday situations related to this particular field.


40. Test exercises


Unit 8

41. Dutry-Free - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


42. Flying away - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


43. Nice to meet you - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


44. Making new friends - Vocabulary practice

Revision of knowledge and vocabulary which has been acquired so far.


45. Going on a trip - Speaking assignment


46. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 9

47. A new job and a new house - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where the student will experience a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


48. A world of families - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


49. Typical day - Writing assignment


50. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

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