Ingles B.1.D. (SSCE124)

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Referencia (sku)
Área principal

Utilizar el idioma con cierta seguridad y flexibilidad, receptiva y productivamente, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, así como para mediar entre hablantes de distintas lenguas, en situaciones cotidianas y menos corrientes que requieran comprender y producir textos en una variedad de lengua estándar, con estructuras habituales y un repertorio léxico común no muy idiomático, y que versen sobre temas generales, cotidianos o de interés personal.

Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación en lengua inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel B1 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

Unit 1

1. I can offer you a job

Aims: to learn and acquire structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The vocabulary focus is on the home.


2. I owe you one

Aims: to learn and practice the target grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: active vs. passive e.g. ‘John is cleaning’ vs. ‘the room is cleaned ‘, talking about the agent in the passive e.g. the telephone was invented by Alexander Bell, the superlative form of  long adjectives e.g. ‘the most interesting book’ and prepositions of place: in, at, on. Vocabulary: tasks around the home: cooking and cleaning verbs. Activities: listen and repeat the association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, gap-fills and student-led listening practice.


3. I made biscuits

Aims: to review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: active vs. passive, talking about the agent in the passive, the superlative form of long adjectives and prepositions of place: in, at, on. Vocabulary: tasks around the home: cooking and cleaning verbs. Activities: listening comprehension with a multiple choice exercise, pronunciation practice with listen, repeat and choose the right sound, multiple choice, student-led practice with a gap-fill exercise, complete the sentences, comprehension exercise to choose synonymous sentences  and a  real life dialogue exercise to dub the film.


4. Making phone calls - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. This lesson puts the main emphasis on common expressions while talking on the phone in order to make orders, call a school, etc. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


5. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 2

6. A new barman

Aims: to learn and acquire new structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.


7. Take it easy

Aims: to learn and practice the target grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions:  talking about illness e.g. headache, stomach ache etc., confusing verbs: win/earn, lend/borrow, look at/watch, carry/wear, infinitive of purpose – ‘to’ and ‘for’. Vocabulary: medication and expressing emotions. Activities: student-led practice with an exercise to click on the images, a multiple choice gap-fill exercise, association of pictures with structures, sentences and phrases as well as the opportunity to  listen and repeat, fill in the gaps and listen and choose the correct option.


8. You will play again, won't you?

Aims: to review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the lessons through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions:  confusing verbs: win/earn, lend/borrow, look at/watch, carry/wear, meet/know, infinitive of purpose ‘to’ and ‘for’. Vocabulary: emotions and illness. Activities: listen, repeat and choose the corresponding sound, fill in the gaps from a multiple choice, a comprehension exercise to choose synonymous sentences and contextual practice with real life dialogue and a film dubbing exercise.


9. Friendship - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. The main focus of these dialogues is to learn to talk about friendships and, in general, human relationships. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


10. Being an artist - Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of arts and culture. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.


11. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 3

12. Dreaming of becoming famous

Aims: to expand, review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the block through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: first conditional, confusing verbs: win/earn, lend/borrow, look at/watch, carry/wear, meet/know. Vocabulary: synonyms and expressing emotions. Activities: real life dialogue to listen to and dub the film, listening comprehension with a fill the gaps exercise, gap-fill, multiple choice and making sentences.


13. Weddings

Aims: to expand, review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the block through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: first conditional and the passive voice. Vocabulary: synonyms and expressing emotions. Activities: true or false reading comprehension and complete the sentences.


14. I can't get home

Aims: to expand, review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the block through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: comparative and superlative forms. Vocabulary: telephone conversations and vocabulary review from the previous units. Activities: listen and fill in the gaps, sentence construction, and multiple choice gap-fills.


15. At the bed and breakfast - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, whereby students will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the context of the language they are learning. In this typical situation students will listen to the experiences of a couple staying at a bed and breakfast hotel during their trip. In order to achieve this successfully, students will be introduced to new vocabulary and then, they will have the opportunity to listen to the conversation using the vocabulary they have learnt and repeat the dialogue. After that, students will receive feedback on their pronunciation.


16. We need to go and see a doctor first - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, whereby students will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the context of the language they are learning. In this typical situation students will listen to the experiences of a couple that need to go to the doctor while they are on holiday. In order to achieve this successfully, students will be introduced to new vocabulary and then, they will have the opportunity to listen to the conversation using the vocabulary they have learnt and repeat the dialogue. After that, students will receive feedback on their pronunciation.


17. The taste of love - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


18. Sports, customs and etiquette - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read and listen to two written passages of text about social standards and likes; the first one is about customs and etiquette in the UK and the second one about mass sports in the UK. After reading and listening to each text students have to answer a series of questions that, presented in a sequential order, elicit their skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and true/false questions as well as an exercise on matching definitions with words that appear in the text. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


19. Health - Writing assignment


20. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 4

21. Working at the office - Specific vocabulary

Learners will be able to:

- Listen and respond  appropriately when  arranging meetings, making plans and confirming arrangements.

- Use appropriate language to describe  typical duties and responsibilities at work.


22. Busy office requires secretary - Specific vocabulary

Learners will be able to:

- Familiarize themselves with common collocations to answer questions that extend the vocabulary practiced in the previous session which describes specific employee responsibilities and what companies do.

- Recognize and appropriately structure a formal letter to  another organization.


23. It's about the order - Specific vocabulary

On completing this unit learners will be able to:

- Listen and respond to language related to finance and the structure of organizations and workforces.

- Start and finish a telephone conversation and leave a message.

- Express satisfaction/dissatisfaction about a problem with an order and solutions proposed.


24. Sales meeting - Specific vocabulary

On completing this unit learners can:

- Express her/his own opinion, and present arguments and justifications in a meeting at work.

- Send emails to check and confirm information about an order and services appropriately.

- Demonstrate they understand the meaning of abbreviations common at work.


25. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 5

26. Job interview - Typical situation

In this audio, we will be listening to Philipa, personnel head Swan Selection company and Lee, who is being interviewed.


27. Supply company - Dialogue

In this dialogue we will hear common questions asked at a supply company.


28. Working day - Vocabulary practice

This activity will further reinforce vocabulary understanding. Through a variety of different interactive methods, the consolidation lesson with take all vocabulary of this unit and continue learning skills.


29. Public relations - Reading comprehension

In this lesson students read a written passage of text about public relations. The text is followed by questions in sequential order that elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and true/false questions as well as matching statements with their corresponding sections. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


30. Marketing techniques - Dictation

In this lesson students have to follow the dictation of a text on marketing techniques. Students practice first and foremost their listening and writing skills and within the latter a range of sub-skills from spelling to punctuation. Moreover, this dictation makes students practise and enhance their vocabulary, syntax, grammar and, when reviewing his/her work, proofreading. The written passage of text has been divided into different phrases or sentences and it is listened to by the student, who has to write it. Students can listen to the phrase or sentence as many times as they wish and even ask for help if needed. Once a paragraph has been completed, students re-read it while listening to the audio and move on to the next paragraph.

31. Predictions - Speaking assignment


32. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 6

33. Returning your shoes - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


34. Relationships - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


35. The pros and cons of regularly watching television - Reading

In this lesson students read and listen to a written passage of text that explains the pros and cons of regularly watching television. These questions follow a sequential order and elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning, particular details and logical inferences. The suggested activities comprise multiple-choice and true/false questions as well as matching statements with their corresponding sections, an example for each is provided. By practicing active and effective reading students acquire strong cognitive skills such as attention, auditory analysis, sound blending, sound segmenting, memory, processing speed and visualisation.


36. The pros and cons of regularly watching television - Dictation

In this lesson students have to follow the dictation of a text about the pros and cons of regularly watching television. Students practice first and foremost their listening and writing skills and within the latter a range of sub-skills from spelling to punctuation. Moreover, this dictation makes students practise and enhance their vocabulary, syntax, grammar and, when reviewing his/her work, proofreading. The written passage of text has been divided into different phrases or sentences and it is listened to by the student, who has to write it. Students can listen to the phrase or sentence as many times as they wish and even ask for help if needed. Once a paragraph has been completed, students re-read it while listening to the audio and move on to the next paragraph.


37. Prepositions - Writing assignment


38. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

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