Ingles C.1.C. (SSCE131)

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Área principal

Unit 1

1. On the way to Ireland

Aims: to review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: listening comprehension and gap-fill, pronunciation practice with the revision of difficult sounds, real life dialogue and film dubbing.


2. Christmas stories

Aims: to review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: reading and listening comprehension with true or false  answers, multiple choice listening comprehension, reading and writing practice to choose the appropriate ending, gap-fill reading comprehension and writing practice with a complete the sentences exercise.


3. Brunch or a regular meal?

Aims: to review and consolidate the grammar, structures and vocabulary covered in the whole block through a series of interactive exercises. Activities: true or false reading and listening comprehension, multiple choice listening comprehension, reading and writing to choose the appropriate ending, reading comprehension and gap-fill and a sentence completion exercise.


4. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 2

5. At the airport 1 - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


6. At the airport 2 - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


7. Fulfilment and failure - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


8. Interview - Writing assignment


9. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 3

10. First aid - Specific vocabulary

In this lesson specific vocabulary will be studied and expressions related to an activity or a specific area through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope without any problems in everyday situations related to this particular field.


11. The hospital - Specific vocabulary

In this lesson specific vocabulary will be studied and expressions related to an activity or a specific area through a variety of situations in order for the student to be able to cope without any problems in everyday situations related to this particular field.


12. Accident & Emergency - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


13. Health and feelings - Additional vocabulary

This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subjects of health and people's feelings. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.


14. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 4

15. Setting up a business account - Typical situation

A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.


16. Your interests - Dialogue

The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.


17. Marketing mix - Dictation

The student will practice their oral comprehension and their writing, at the same time that they learn the vocabulary and useful expressions from important topics and so put into practice the language they are learning in a more advanced way.


18. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 5

19. In an Irish pub

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: ladder, horseshoe, itchy palm, lucky charm, fountain, congress, hold on to, to pull a lever, to adjust a dial etc as well as describing people and places.


20. Visiting the doctor

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: expressing real and unreal conditions with ‘even if’, ‘until’, ‘in case’, expressing general truths and mixed conditionals. Vocabulary: to have something on one’s mind, to go on a spree, play safe, to let oneself go, jump at the chance and describing people and places. Activities: association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures, an exercise to choose the appropriate word to complete the sentences and also more practice using the words provided to make sentences and listening to finish the sentences.


21. The Emerald Island

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary from the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: expressing real and unreal conditions using ‘even if’, ‘provided’ and ‘unless’; expressing general truths and giving advice and mixed conditionals. Vocabulary: to go on a spree, play safe, to let oneself go, jump at the chance etc as well as describing people and places. Activities: pronunciation of homographs, listen and repeat, choose the appropriate ending, write the verbs in the correct tense, listening and reading to answer the questions and predict the story, error detection and correction, real life dialogue and film dubbing as well as choosing synonymous sentences.


22. Giving opinions - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning how to give one’s opinion and talk about differences. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


23. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 6

24. Welsh culture

Aims: to assimilate and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: to boil, to stir, to pour, materials and fabrics , industry, to manufacture, coal, farm, mining, equality, bachelor and luxury.


25. A nice cup of tea

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises.  Structures and functions: talking about places, industries, customs, passive voice review in all tenses and verbs with ‘being’: can't stand, like, love, resent, fancy and don't mind. Vocabulary:  to walk out, generally speaking, to have time to oneself, made by hand, to bring to the boil, to boil, to stir, to add, to leave and to pour. Activities: complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs, association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures and sentence transformation, listen and repeat, complete the instructions, reading and listening comprehension to find synonyms, sentence transformation from active to passive and listening practice with true or false comprehension questions.


26. Cheap labour for cheap products

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary seen in the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: talking about places, industries and customs, passive voice review in all tenses, verbs with ‘being’: can't stand, like, love, resent, fancy and don't mind. Vocabulary: to walk out, generally speaking, to have time to oneself, by hand, to boil, to stir, to add, to leave and to pour. Activities: pronunciation practice with noun formation and the subsequent changes in stress, true or false reading and writing comprehension, choose the correct word to complete the text, association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures, gap-fill listening comprehension, sentence transformation from active to passive, true or false listening practice, real life dialogue and film dubbing exercise as well as choosing synonymous sentences.


27. Money - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about money and economic matters. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


28. Agriculture - Writing assignment


29. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.


Unit 7

30. Hogmanay in Scotland

Aims: to learn and acquire the structures and vocabulary related to the topic through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. Vocabulary: tower block, mailman, platter, housing estate, council, to step on, enriched, to fall asleep, windscreen, steering wheel, pedestrian crossing, rear view mirror, horn, engine, truck and metro.


31. The language spoken by the original settlers

Aims: to learn and practice the grammar as well as some more structures and vocabulary through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: talking about places, defining and non-defining relative clauses, explaining processes: after, when, before, then etc. Vocabulary: ‘to say the least’, ‘to spend a fortune’, ‘to back out’, ‘to be made redundant’, ‘to be down the road from’; British and American English: biscuit/cookie, handbag/purse, flat/apartment - ; prepositions: of, about, by, with and the different parts of a car. Activities: association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures, relative pronouns gap-fill and match sentences to make relative clauses. Pronunciation practice with a listen and repeat exercise, true or false reading and listening comprehension, reading to find the synonymous British and American words, student-led listening, selecting the best word to complete the sentences and listening and writing practice with sentence correction.


32. Have a nice day!

Aims: to review and consolidate the structures and vocabulary related to the lesson through a series of interactive exercises. Structures and functions: talking about places, defining and non-defining relative clauses - joining two sentences, explaining processes: after, when, before, then etc., verbs with pre-fixes: overcooked etc. Vocabulary:  ‘to say the least', ‘to spend a fortune’, ‘to back out’, ‘to be made redundant’, ‘to be down the road from’; British and American English; prepositions: of, about, by and with. Activities: pronunciation of prefixes, complete the sentences, sentence transformation from American to British English, writing practice with an exercise to join the sentences to make relative clauses, error detection and correction , real life dialogue practice with an exercise to dub the film and choosing synonymous sentences.


33. Communication - Master class

Students attend a class where the teacher, who speaks only English, asks questions that the students must answer. The student interacts with the teacher through a series of guided dialogues. These dialogues focus on learning to talk about methods to communicate with other people as well as linguistic differences between British and North American English. After attending the class, students have to complete a series of comprehension exercises and the dexway system immediately evaluates their answers. E.g.: pronunciation and writing.


34. Test exercises

In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

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