English Dexway Professional - Level B2 - Course 2

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Área principal
In this block the learner will consolidate the material from the previous Blocks and continue the crossover from B1 to a more solid B2. The course content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas, especially in real-life situations such as work and leisure, house and home, films and habitual actions etc. In terms of grammatical structures there will be continued revision and extension of the structures in all tenses with emphasis on parts of the language such as more phrasal verbs, idiomatic expressions and the differences between British and American vocabulary. As with the other blocks on the course, there is frequent pronunciation practice and the learner has exposure to long and short sounds, correct regular past tense endings, vowel sounds, elision as well as general vocabulary and sentence level practice. At this point the learner can maintain a conversation with a native speaker on a wider range of subject areas. The variety of exercises not only caters for different learner styles but also guarantees thorough coverage of the topics covered. The block is comprised of a series of interactive exercises such as word-picture association, listening comprehension with realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items.

Unit 1 

  • Plans for a year out

  • A long way to equality

  • A radio panel game

  • We have to send the invitations

  • Coming to conclusions - Master class

  • Weather conditions - Additional vocabulary

  • Test exercises

Unit 2 

  • Looking for a temporary job

  • Spoil yourself!

  • If I were you...

  • Houses - Masterclass

  • Test exercises

Unit 3 

  • Working with animals

  • A solitary child

  • I have not seen him for ages

  • Conditions - Masterclass

  • Building a bear sanctuary - Reading comprehension

  • Test exercises

Unit 4 

  • It's a bargain! Making a complaint

  • A very good read

  • An amazing concert

  • Technology - Masterclass

  • Test exercises

Unit 5 

  • Hey, that's swell!

  • He was no stranger to me

  • Have you heard about her son?

  • Why don't you show me around?

  • Using your judgement - Masterclass

  • The press - Additional vocabulary

  • Test exercises

Unit 6

  • You are only young once, mum!

  • Welcome to university

  • I'm afraid I have to complain

  • Good to be alive - Typical situation

  • We've made it to the van - Typical situation

  • People, passports, planet - Dialogue

  • Barbados - Reading

  • Barbados - Dictation

  • Test exercises

Unit 7

  • Items at the jewellery shop - Specific vocabulary

  • At the jewellery shop - Specific vocabulary

  • Complaints at the jewellery shop - Specific vocabulary

  • Does this watch have a guarantee? - Vocabulary practice

  • Conversations at the jewellery shop - Typical situation

  • Jewellery - Vocabulary practice

  • Test exercises

Unit 8

  • Holiday advertisements - Reading comprehension

  • Sightseeing in Ireland - Dictation

  • Travelling the world - Use of English

  • Visiting new places - Additional vocabulary

  • Culinary tourism - Listening comprehension

  • Test exercises

Unit 9

  • Optician's - Typical situation

  • Work and play - Dialogue

  • Injuries and fractures - Reading comprehension

  • Teste exercises

Course revision

  • Final test

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