English Dexway Academy - Level A2 - Course 2

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Referencia (sku)
Área principal
The coourse content remains functional and focused entirely on improving learner independence in all areas. In this course the learner is introduced to the Past Simple of the verb To BE, regular verbs and some common irregular verbs, extended comparative practice as well as the Present Continuous forms of many common verbs, the difference between the expressions. The use of a variety of exercises encompasses different learner styles as well as guaranteeing thorough coverage of the topics covered.

  • Unit 1  
    • What a mess! There was a party
    • There was an armchair
    • Were you at work this morning?
    • A flat to rent
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 2
    • Clothes shopping
    • Last night
    • The catalogue
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 3
    • How was your day?
    • Better or worse
    • What did you do last Saturday?
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 4
    • Going back to England
    • What is he doing?
    • What’s the matter?
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 5
    • The fortune teller
    • He is going to work at home
    • What are you doing nowadays?
    • At work – Additional vocabulary
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 6
    • Returning to work
    • This outfit matches
    • High days and holidays – Reading comprehension
    • Holidays on-board – Additional vocabulary
    • Test exercises
  • Unit 7
    • In a restaurant – Typical situation
    • Chores and emotions – Dialogue
    • Fast food – Reading
    • Fast food – Dictation
    • Test exercises
  • Course revision
    • Final test

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