SSCE02 Inglés A2

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Área principal
  • Capacitar al alumnado para utilizar el idioma de forma sencilla pero adecuada y eficaz, siendo capaz de comprender, expresarse e interactuar, tanto en forma hablada como escrita, en situaciones cotidianas, que requieran comprender y producir textos breves, en diversos registros y en lengua estándar, que versen sobre aspectos básicos concretos de temas generales y que contengan expresiones, estructuras y léxico de uso frecuente.
  • Este programa formativo proporcionará a los alumnos la formación y el aprendizaje en lengua inglesa necesaria para que puedan presentarse a las pruebas de acreditación oficial del nivel A2 del Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las Lenguas (MCERL).

Unit 1. A Spanish from Spain

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Nationalities, Countries, Numbers
  4. Grammar. El verbo “to be” y los pronombres de sujeto / The verb “to be” and subject pronouns
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 2. The weekend

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Days of the week, Months, Numbers 1-30
  4. Grammar. Verbo to be en la forma negativa e interrogativa
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: My town 5.2 Listening 2: The market
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 3. Office Work

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Objects in an Office
  4. Grammar. Adjetivos posesivos y los pronombres
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Working in an office 5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 4. I love my house

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Objects in the house
  4. Grammar. Cómo formar el plural de los nombres, y las preposiciones de lugar
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Our planet 5.2 Listening 2: My dream house
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 5. Fashionable colours

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Colours, Clothes, Accessories, Underwear, Verbs related to clothing
  4. Grammar. Adjetivos
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 6. What a leisure!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Free time activities
  4. Grammar. Uso del imperativo y las estructuras con “let’s”
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Leisure time plans 5.2 Listening 2: The shopping center
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 7. What do you normally do?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Daily Routines
  4. Grammar. Presente simple en su forma afirmativa y negativa
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Celebrations 5.2 Listening 2: Wonderful Places
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 8. What do you do?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Professions
  4. Grammar. Presente simple en su forma negativa e interrogativa
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A Tour Guide 5.2 Listening 2: A Bad Day
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 9. A friendly family

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Family, Words related to family, Words, expressions and phrases for friendship and friends
  4. Grammar. El Genitivo Sajón, Adjetivos descriptivos
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 10. What? Who? When?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Question Words
  4. Grammar. Orden de las partículas interrogativas
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: The colors 5.2 Listening 2: A message to a friend
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 11. When was it?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Telling Time
  4. Grammar. Preposiciones de tiempo y lugar
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: First teachers 5.2 Listening 2: Childhood memories
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 12. Sports to be healthy!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Sports
  4. Grammar. Adverbios de frecuencia y las colocaciones con do, play and go
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Working in a team 5.2 Listening 2: Busy life
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 13. I’m good at English!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Adjectives to talk about abilities or skills
  4. Grammar. Verbo “can”
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 14. Sunny is funny

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Weather Conditions, Temperature, Seasons
  4. Grammar. Estructura y el uso del presente continuo
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A day with Alice 5.2 Listening 2: The camping
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 15. Too loud!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Noise
  4. Grammar. Presente simple / presente continuo
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Help children 5.2 Listening 2: A Crowded places
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 16. Go around the globe

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Travelling
  4. Grammar. Pronombres objeto
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Multiculturalism 5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 17. The first date

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Ordinal numbers, The date
  4. Grammar. Diferencia entre “to do” y “to be”, expresiones sobre “Likes and Dislikes”
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 18. Lost in an island

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Holiday
  4. Grammar. Estructura y el uso de “like”
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Jobs. There are many different professions. 5.2 Listening 2: The colors
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 19. Tell me what happened

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Word formation
  4. Grammar. Pasado simple del verbo “TO BE”
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A memorable proposal
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 20. Was it true?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Past time expressions
  4. Grammar. Pasado simple de los verbos regulares
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A proposal
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 21. Films or movies?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Palabras más comunes relacionadas con el cine
  4. Grammar. Pasado simple en los verbos irregulares
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A funny meal 5.2 Listening 2: A proposal
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 22. Help!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Vocabulario relacionado con la casa
  4. Grammar. Presente y pasado de la secuencia verbal THERE + BE
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Shopping in the supermarket 5.2 Listening 2: Buying food
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 23. Eating out

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Food and drink
  4. Grammar. Past simple (did; -ed)
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A strange hobby 5.2 Listening 2: A tasty recipe
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 24. Buy, buy, buy

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Shopping
  4. Grammar. Determinantes a/an, some, any
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Sweatshop 5.2 Listening 2: A Big Mistake
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 25. The English Day

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Palabras más comunes relacionadas con las celebraciones
  4. Grammar. Presente perfecto
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 26. Care yourself

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con la salud
  4. Grammar. Estructura y el uso del presente perfecto y el pasado simple
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: It’s birthday time 5.2 Listening 2: Where I live
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 27. Places to Live

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: City or village
  4. Grammar. Cuantificadores
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: A day out 5.2 Listening 2: Travelling around the world
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 28. Who do you look like?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Family
  4. Grammar. Verbos modales
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Important people 5.2 Listening 2: My friends and I
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 29. The funniest

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Palabras relacionadas con el mundo de la moda, los desfiles y las pasarelas
  4. Grammar. Comparativo y superlativo de los adjetivos
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 30. Roboting

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Tecnología y ciencia
  4. Grammar. Futuro con will
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Rotterdam 5.2 Listening 2: Our body
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 31. What about the future?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Prefixes
  4. Grammar. Be going to para hablar sobre el futuro
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Sweatshop 5.2 Listening 2: A Big Mistake
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 32. Move around

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Means of transport
  4. Grammar. Verbos modales
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Travelling 5.2 Listening 2: My city
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 33. In a friendly manner!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Word formation – from adjective to adverb
  4. Grammar. Adverbios de modo
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1 5.2 Listening 2
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 34. Loving languages!

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Verb conversion and Noun Conversion
  4. Grammar. Verbos seguidos por el infinitivo to
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Clothes 5.2 Listening 2: Early one morning
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 35. How do you say…?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Abbreviations
  4. Grammar. Determinante the (el)
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: My job 5.2 Listening 2: Famous people
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

Unit 36. Is it working?

  1. Do you remember these words?
  2. Reading
  3. Vocabulary: Compounding
  4. Grammar. Verbos en presente y pasado
  5. Listening 5.1 Listening 1: Where are you from? 5.2 Listening 2: My Friends and I
  6. Writing
  7. Speaking 7.1 Pronunciation 7.2 Situation Key ideas

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