• Mejorar la independencia en todas las áreas, especialmente en temas reales como la política, los medios de comunicación, el medio ambiente o el tiempo libre. 
  • Practicar con el uso de la question-tags, la formación y uso de la pasiva, y los verbos frasales y preposicionales.
  • El uso del pasado perfecto, la formación de compuestos, y la forma y uso del estilo indirecto. Además del uso de la estructura Used to, Either …or; Neither …nor, expresiones de tiempo y opinión, y verbos que se prestan a confusión.
  • El curso abarca funciones como: los medios de comunicación, la expresión escrita y el ámbito familiar,... todo ello a través de ejercicios contextualizados significativos.
  • Mediante la introducción de estructuras fundamentales y vocabulario necesario para hablar de las áreas temáticas mencionadas, el alumno es alentado a practicar la pronunciación desde el principio. 
  • En este nivel, además, el alumno cuenta con un apartado adicional con videos de debate de diversa temática.

  • Unit 1. Never judge a book by its cover

    • Vocabulary. Describing people: personality and appearance. Compound adjectives.

    • Grammar. Defining and non-defining relative clauses. Modals for deduction (past and present).

    • Writing. An informal email.

    • Pronunciation. Compound adjectives.

  • Unit 2. Down to Earth 

    • Vocabulary. Animal idioms. Animal collocations: animal sounds.

    • Grammar. Modals and expressions of probability. Conditionals. Alternatives to IF.

    • Writing. An article.

    • Pronunciation. Contractions. Linking.

  • Unit 3. Home Sweet Home 

    • Vocabulary. Types of housing. Places in the home. Housework. Phrasal verbs connected to people relations.

    • Grammar. Modals of obligation/absence of obligation/prohibition/advice. Have/Get something done.

    • Writing. A report.

    • Pronunciation. Consonant clusters.

  • Unit 4. A penny for your thoughts

    • Vocabulary. Money. Jobs.

    • Grammar. Infinitive versus –ing. Participle clauses.

    • Writing. A covering letter.

    • Pronunciation. Stress shift.

  • Unit 5. Caught Red-Handed 

    • Vocabulary. Crime. Criminals.

    • Grammar. Emphasis (do, so and indeed). Cleft sentences. Inversions.

    • Writing. An opinion composition.

    • Pronunciation. How to sound emphatic.

  • Unit 6. Out and About

    • Vocabulary. Leisure activities: Travelling. Extreme sports.

    • Grammar. Used to, Would. Narrative tenses.

    • Writing. A blog post.

    • Pronunciation. -ED endings.

  • Unit 7. TV or not TV?

    • Vocabulary. Headlines. Television (people, TV programmes and a TV guide).

    • Grammar. Impersonal report structures. Contrast (despite, in spite of, although…).

    • Writing. A “for and against” composition.

    • Pronunciation. Contrastive intonation.

  • Unit 8. An Apple a Day keeps the Doctor Away 

    • Vocabulary. Health and illness. Idioms related to the parts of the body. Food and Diet.

    • Grammar. Reported speech. Reporting statements, commands and questions.

    • Writing. A complaint email/letter.

    • Pronunciation. Homographs. Homophones.

  • Unit 9. No Regrets just Lessons Learned 

    • Vocabulary. Feelings.

    • Grammar. I wish/If only. Would rather, would sooner, had better. It´s time.

    • Writing. A personal anecdote.

    • Pronunciations. /s/ - /z/ - /?/

  • Unit 10. Facebook = Language Facelift? 

    • Vocabulary. Compounds with –ever. The Internet. Fast Writing.

    • Grammar. Future perfect and continuous. Use of the article for generalizing.

    • Writign. A review.

    • Pronunciations. Words pronounced differently in Spanish/English.

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